NY Times: Disabled Students Are Spanked More

Article here. Excerpt:

'More than 200,000 schoolchildren are paddled, spanked or subjected to other physical punishment each year, and disabled students get a disproportionate share of the treatment, according to a new study.

Among the cases cited in the report was that of a 6-year-old, first-grade boy with autism, who was paddled at his Mississippi elementary school. An assistant principal who the report described as weighing 300 pounds “picked up an inch-thick paddle and paddled him” on the buttocks, the report said.

“It just devastated him,” the report cited the boy’s grandmother as saying. “When a child with autism has something like that happen, they don’t forget it. It’s always fresh in their minds.”'

Ed.: You can be sure the vast majority of those beaten are boys.

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Yes Anthony I am sure you are right. Boys will be subject to most of the beatings. In western culture this discrimination goes back a very long way. It is not that people did not resent it. As a boy in the fifties I felt it grossly unfair the way girls where treated like sensitive flowers whereas it was thought good to beat boys. All this rather belies the truth. It is boys who develop more slowly than girls in the early years. Many small boys are little better that confused babies. I know I was. I remember not really understanding what was going on around me and was consider quite stupid. Fortunately I was docile and so avoided attention and anger.

Men in fact have a whole history of shit to be angry about. I know I am. The trouble is it is not really correct to talk about men in this general way. Men of power and in the elite are more than happy that the rest of us should be abused and screwed down. I often write abusively of women in my posts. I don't detract from that. But I do need to add that the real problem is the feminised anti male men who are the elite. Now they really are filth.

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I watched my brother get beaten almost every week because of his inability to sit still and his confidence to question authority. He was labeled as ADHD.

We attended a private religious school. One of my problems with organized religion is that it requires people to be compliant without question.

I did not know beatings were allowed in public school (I better watch out for my kids). I know that in my private school beatings were frequent and almost always boys particularly those with high energy levels, those that questioned authority, or had 'learning disabilities'. (I put LD in quotes because I think many are mis-diagnosed.)

The final straw was when he was assigned to a beating. He decided to put on a tough face and not show any sign of pain. The PE teacher took to him and kept beating him with a wooden paddle, while two teacher restrained him.

He was beaten so hard that his pants ripped and his butt was bleeding. Finally my brother went on a verbal tirade of cussing and swearing at them and walked out of the room (he could hardly walk). .

Needless to say, we never returned to the school.

BTW, the use of the word "disabled" in the headline can have a broad meaning. In the schools it is used to describe mostly boys as in 'learning disabled'.

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It has been a long time since beatings have been allowed in public schools throughout most of North America as a form of discipline. However, It was common practice up to about the mid 80s when you were born.

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