Teen pregnancy attitude shift: "Girls getting more like boys"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Pregnant teens are nothing new, but the behaviors leading to it and society's attitude are surprising sexuality educators who have been working in the field for years.

"Girls are getting more like boys in terms of their behavior and their attitudes about sex. They're getting to be more aggressive and more liberal," said Joe Fay, executive director of the Pennsylvania Coalition to Prevent Teen Pregnancy and a sexuality educator for 32 years.
Teen pregnancy has become acceptable behavior by a society that to some degree even enables it, said Holly Gould, who works with teen moms in her job as director of Education Leading to Employment and Career Training at the Crispus Attucks Association in York. The program is funded through the state Departments of Education and Public Welfare.'

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I just think this is shit. How many offers of sex have you had? How many sexually liberated women have you fought off? OK you could be living in a sexual paradise and only manonthestreet has it differently. But in a long life I have never seen any of the behaviour talked about.

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See, you problem is perspective. As one ages, so to do the partners we tend to have sex with. Plus, we tend to take our value system with us as we age. So if your 50, fucking women in their 50s, well you will experience the value system of people in their 50s. If you have enough money to attract a 20 year old, fuck her and see if her values are the same as the women you're used to.

We all see things from our generational bubbles as humans tend not to do a whole lot of interacting outside of our own generation. We tend to ignore both younger and older generations. We hide the old in 'care' facilities, and we just write off the youth with the age old 'Oh those kids today' attitude.

While I hardly think there is a sexual paradise today, as women despite having more relaxed attitudes towards getting their fuck on, they have not been willing to take on ANY responsibility at all for their freedom of choice. Thus all the high schools with day care centers, and the women who use fictitious tales of being raped as an excuse for being late for work. Guys got shouldered with even MORE responsibility as a result of female sexual liberation. Now, we may not have tow worry about shotgun weddings, but State enforced child support is even worse. We may be able to fuck her on the first date, but is the 10+ year prison sentence really worth it when she decides she wants nothing to do with us the next day and again turns to the State with a rape claim to rid herself of the problem? We gave women with the sexual revolution of the 60s all the rights, and men all the responsibilities when it comes to sex. We never achieved a balance. Men have no control over reproduction apart from abstinence, yet women can choose from the thousands of reproductive options at their disposal. Males have no right of consent with adult women getting off for sexual interaction with even pre-teen males, yet women can retroactively cry rape in my country ANYTIME (no statutes of limitations) so if she decides it was not consensual 30 years down the road the guy winds up in jail.

Hardly a sexual paradise.

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I am a female in my twenties.

When I was in high school girls thought it was cool to be promiscuous. The girls that slept around attracted all the guys. Girls tend to value their ability to attract the opposite sex, so it is almost like a competition builds up. Females competing to see who can attract the most guys by 'advertising' their sexual skills by the way they dress, talk, etc. The 'sexiest' girl wins.

It is not uncommon for girls aged 16 to 25 to come on to a guy and let him know that she wants sex. It happens all the time in the clubs.

In the old days I think only guys slept around because girls had to be careful of their reputations. Nowadays I think females falsely assume that if they can take the stigma away from being 'slutty' that it will put them on the same level as guys when it comes to having multiple partners.

As far as pregnancy goes, I think it depends on what side of the financial side you are on. My friends are "upper class hos" (no other words come to mind). They have career plans and pregnancy would slow them down and be hard on them financially. They want to party every night now, and then eventually have traditional families. The same attitude that many college guys have. So my friends are doing everything to NOT get pregnant (except avoiding sex).

I suppose for poor girls they would not see any financial change and perhaps life would be easy for them. Society has made it easy and acceptable for them to be single welfare moms.

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"They have career plans and pregnancy would slow them down and be hard on them financially. They want to party every night now, and then eventually have traditional families."

Yeah, that's how my buddy's exwife was. She graduated from with a Business degree and he had a highschool diploma. After they got married, she started to belittle him because she made more money than him. Because of that fact and the fact they were married she felt she could emasculate him at will because of some sort of GO GIRL attitude. Same thing with my sister, except she makes the same amount as her husband so she doesn't belittle him as much. I simply take it all in and have realized that most women that wait to have a traditional family are only having one on the Public View, on the inside they are Control Freaks and are mainly concerned with fullfilling their egoic story while monitoring the perception of their peers to make sure they will think it's acceptable.

Interesting enough, after only a few years of making more money then my buddy, she decided to become a teacher for the time off. Which simply puts more financial responsibility on my friend because of her choice. Thank god they didn't have a kid.

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Your friends have options to control wether or not they get pregnant correct? As a nurse you know them: the pill, the shot, the patch, diaphragms, IUDs, intimate knowledge of their own reproductive cycle as women are only actually futile about 48 hours a month though pregnancy can result from sex anytime over a week as sperm can survive for several days inside a female, female condoms, spermicidal gels, foams, creams, Plan B etc, etc, etc....) Point is they have a whole catalog of options to choose from depending on their personal preferences, lifestyle and feelings.

It's great that your friends take advantage of their nearly limitless available options. Good for them.

The point is they have them and guys have virtually none. What do guys have as options of they are not ready to be daddies yet still want to fuck all the girls who are ready to go these days? Condom or? What if condoms reduce sensation for him and he loses his erection (not at all uncommon and some studies show it happening to as many as 1/3 of men who use condoms from time to time)? She calls him every emasculating name she can think of and warns all her friends he's got a limp dick and to stay away. In other words, what if his preferences, lifestyle or feelings make condoms a less then ideal choice for him? What other choice does he have? Vasectomy? Sure it's reversible 85% of the time, but really is a surgical procedure the only other option? And is invasive surgery really an option?

Great that your friends are living the feminist dream, but in the name of equality shouldn't men have some option to?

Also, I do not know a living human being who is sexually active, who has not at least once had a bad sexual experience. Most people male and female have had several. Most guys don't bring up their bad dates very often cause guys are raised to believe that if it's sex it's good not matter how awful she was in bed. How come only women have the option to lock up their bad sex partners for decades? Even if men had this option, because of the way they are raised they'd almost never use it, but still, shouldn't men at least have the option of calling the cops on that bitch back in high school who did not know how to suck dick and used her teeth and cut him like women do to the guy who pushed to hard and tore her? While personally I don't think anyone should be calling the cops for such things, since women have the option and many are using it, shouldn't men have it to in the name of equality?

It's awesome that your friends are the slutty career chicks feminists of the 60s masturbated about, but giving women all the sexual rights, and freeing them of all the responsibilities (women get pregnant by choice, men don't) hardly solves all the problem of the world.

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I think we are all in agreement:

Teenage girls are more sexually aggressive because of the birth control options they have. If pregnancy does occur, they choose abortion or to keep their babies because our government foots the bill, and it is socially acceptable. Although for some girls (like my friends who are mid-twenties) single parenthood would be a setback and they probably would not qualify or even want welfare.

I see your point about girls having all of the options and no responsibility. It would be great if guys had more options. I am all for it. However, I am not a big believer in birth control as I think it gives people a false sense of security (people falsely assume their BC is 100% effective or that their partner is using BC) . Accidental pregnancies will happen.

Disclaimer: I do not agree with my friends' behavior and I don't participate in that lifestyle. My comments were just to inform others on the behavior and attitudes of most people my age.

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...they still have a dozen or so options with reduced or eliminated health risks. Diaphragms and IUDs are highly effective with few risks. Yes I am aware of potential, but extremely rare physical risks with IUDs and some girls feel icky about diaphragms. Just pointing out that there are many non chemical options at a womans disposal if she does not like taking the pill/shot/gel/patch etc.

I realize also that these types of options will always be exclusively available to females due to the differences in physiology between males and females.

It would just be great if men had a couple options available as surgery is not available to all men. Many Doctors will not perform a vasectomy on a young healthy male, and many simply cannot afford the procedure which is not covered by many health care plans in the States and not covered by most provincial health care plans in Canada. Condoms are not a good option for all men. I mean allot of men already had their sensitivity drastically reduced at birth with circumcision, and many just do not like the feeling of sex with a condom on. Example: You likely enjoy a warm bath, well try putting on a latex glove and then putting your hand in that warm bath that feels so good on your skin. Does it feel the same? You can still feel the pressure of the water around your hand and some of the warmth but it's just not the same without the wetness is it? I know allot of women like to belittle men who are unwilling to use condoms, but I'm just trying to show you that it may not be an unwillingness to accept responsibility for reproduction that is the motivating factor behind his aversion to wrapping it up.

But as is customary for males, he has two choices, either accept the risk, or no sex at all. Since he has no reproductive rights at all, the risks are MUCH greater for him then they are for her. He cannot opt out (paper abortion), he has zero say in adoption, he has zero say in who will raise a resultant child if she chooses sole custody. Yet, he still bares all the same financial burdens he would face if he had full or joint custody of the child.

From start to finish the deck is entirely stacked in the females favor. You're right about that being a factor in why young women are so willing to satisfy their sexual urges with the nearest man who happens to be around, and most men don't object to women being more into sex. We just want to have some of the same rights when it comes to sex. We don't really want the option of locking up the girl that tells all her friends we are awful in bed for rape like women do, but we do wish that we did not need to carry a portable electronic card reader to verify the authenticity of her ID, and have her sign a written contract of consent and take a breathalyzer test beforehand to ensure the contract is valid. Think that's extreme? Well, when you have 12 year old girls posing as 19 year old girls to recruit a 23 year old guy in Medicine hat, Alberta to help her slaughter her family, it just might not be all that unreasonable. Only cops pretend to be 13 year old girls online these days, the real 13 year old girls are to busy pretending to be 21. All the rights for females and all the responsibility for males sure has created a fucked up world these days.

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Oh, my friends love the pill and have used it for many years.

And no need to explain to me about condoms. I hate them as well, infact I would rather forgo intercourse then have a guy wear a condom. It's that bad for me.

I am the minority when it comes to my thoughts on birth control. My friends think I am strange and missing out on all the fun of casual sex. (I am married now, so I have all the great sex I want without much worry.)

But I think I have had more fun in my life then all of them put together. Especially when you add in the STDs and abortions that they have had.

But to steer this thread back to the original subject of teenage girls and casual sex...

I would tell young girls that just because you can have cassual sex, doesn't mean you should.

In high school it may seem like all of the guys want easy girls, but it will change.

The more sexual partners you have says nothing about how good you are in bed. Any girl can spread her legs and the guys will line up.

I think all girls should learn how to give a good blow job and stick to sexual activity that doesn't risk pregnancy. If pregnancy does occur, they should be forced to make tough choices. No children until parents can afford them.

I would like to see adoption encouraged, but it is tough to compete with all the benefits girls receive for keeping their babies.

BTW, I believe in all 50 states a father's signature is required for adoption, and the sates have cracked down on the ease of deception. If a father thinks a child is his, he can block adoption.

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