US: Officials Weigh Circumcision to Fight H.I.V. Risk

Article here. If ever there was a time to stand up for basic human rights for males, this is the time.

This issue is not about religion. It is about the right of men to decide for themselves about whether or not a life- and body-altering operation should be performed on them. This is not a decision that can morally or ethically be made for a man even while he is an infant. Yet, it seems for whatever reason of the moment, societies want to make it.

CDC contact info is here. Call or email the Director, Dr. Thomas Frieden, at (404) 639-7000 and let him know what you think. [PLEASE BE POLITE and stick to facts. And, don't use any language that could even be construed as threatening. You really don't want the FBI at your door in a week, do you?] If you can't call, send a note to the CDC's general email at [As of the time of this posting, curiously enough, the employee directory at for the CDC is unavailable.] Excerpt:

'Public health officials are considering promoting routine circumcision for all baby boys born in the United States to reduce the spread of H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS.

The topic is a delicate one that has already generated controversy, even though a formal draft of the proposed recommendations, due out from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by the end of the year, has yet to be released.

Experts are also considering whether the surgery should be offered to adult heterosexual men whose sexual practices put them at high risk of infection. But they acknowledge that a circumcision drive in the United States would be unlikely to have a drastic impact: the procedure does not seem to protect those at greatest risk here, men who have sex with men.
Circumcision will be discussed this week at the C.D.C.’s National H.I.V. Prevention Conference in Atlanta, which will be attended by thousands of health professionals and H.I.V. service providers.

Among the speakers is a physician from Operation Abraham, an organization based in Israel and named after the biblical figure who was circumcised, according to the book of Genesis, when he was 99 years old. The group trains doctors in Africa to perform circumcisions on adult men to reduce the spread of H.I.V.

Members of Intact America, a group that opposes newborn circumcision, have rented mobile billboards that will drive around Atlanta carrying their message that “circumcising babies doesn’t prevent H.I.V.,” said Georganne Chapin, who leads the organization.'

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There's always an excuse when it's baby boys being mutilated - surely removing bits and pieces would have the same "beneficial" effects with girls but nobody is about to suggest that are they?

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Actually this could and probably will go much further. Lets say that for the protection of women all men should be electronically tagged so that their whereabouts can be continually monitored - just in case we feel like the occasional rape. Of course they want to keep a piece of our bodies ( they call it DNA) just so they can monitor everything we touch - we might be touching the wrong thing.

We can not stop any of these things so long as MRAs continue to consider themselves as patriotic Americans or patriotic British.

What does the ruling elite care how much you complain so long as you rally to the flag whenever it it waved and go and do their dirty work killing a few ( actually many) dark skinned non feminist men abroad?

By waging war on each other the only victor will be feminism and women.

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Let us not forget that by dividing and creating that gender war we, the majority are further seperated and easier to control. We will be so busy fighting a global gender war that the system will be able to do anything it wants. By the time we figure out what they have done it will be to late. I state that we are being played. We cannot ignore this affront on malehood. We cannot ignore the fact that the medical community at large is treating us as commododies. But at the same time I hope we realize that we are being played. The assault on males is only the tip of the iceburgh. There have been other civilizations that have reached this point in the past. They all failed. When the powers that be get to the point that the only way to divide is to pit the males and females against each other it is the death bell for that society. What is different now is that it is a global situation with the majority of the world following the same politics. Not only is male dignity at stake here, but the dignity of humanity as well.

David A. DeLong

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...the best way to reduce HIV transmission is people to stop boffing everything that moves. But I guess that idea is just too "puritanical" for people to accept. Sure, it's so much more "rational" to cut off part of babies genitalia shortly after birth. Odd world we live in.

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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Should we remove a persons toe to prevent toe nail fungus?

Should we remove a person's teeth to prevent gingivitis?

Should we remove a persons eyes to prevent pink eye?

Should we remove a persons skin to prevent psoriasis?

On a personal note. I have psoriasis and its really not bad enough to have all my skin removed.

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Couldn't it be argued that the clitoral hood is the very same as the foreskin of a male? Don't germs and juices hide in that warm moist place? Besides that there are many woman that don't experience sex to the fullest due to a hidden clitoris. I am not proposing this, I am making a point here. The medical profession is ultimately to blame for the epidemic of allergies within this country. By telling women not to breast feed and give their children formula generations of people were robbed of their natural imunities. This is a fact. The elite of the medical profession is all about power and money, like every other elite group within the system. Perhaps we should all stand up and proclaim that we are tired of being abused, tired of being manipulated, and tired of being discounted as human beings.

David A. DeLong

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I am a nurse, so I work in the medical community. I chose the career mainly because of the employment opportunities, flexibility and earning potential.

But it is a strange career choice for me because I have never trusted doctors (I have not been to a doctor in several years). I would even say that I have a slight phobia and fear of medical procedures. I have no problem with other people, I just don't want any performed on me.

I know that doctors are generally good and a benefit to society, but it is stuff like this that re-enforces my phobia that doctors and the medical community can be evil.

PS- I will be sending emails to protest circumcision.

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