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This woman has admitted to murdering this man in a wheelchair, forcing him to watch the acts of violence she perpetrated on him in a mirror, over the course of 45 minutes, until he was finally dead. At one point she made him watch her drive a nail into his head. Yes, you read that right. I can't imagine the horror he must have felt. And, he was utterly defenseless. She then goes on to say she has done this kind of thing to other people too, for the same reason: they allegedly "snitched" on people she cared about to the police regarding criminal activities they were pursuing or had pursued. She offered no apologies and said she would do it all again.
The piece ends with the desk reporter saying this woman is scheduled for a psychiatric evaluation.
Will it make headline news? Will it be on major channels' news shows at 6:30 ET? I doubt it. Likewise will we see the story about the Brazilian girl who has confessed to the murders of 30 men any time before Hell freezes over? Doubt it.
Yet another female victim of the misogynistic male dominated medical field. Her anti psychotic meds must have needed changing?
Well, at least she can play the Andrea Yates Get Out Of Jail Free Card by pleading NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF TEMPORARY INSANITY. 2 years max; then out with no criminal record.
Permalink Submitted by MichaelClaymore on Sun, 2009-08-23 01:49
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- The Men's Activist News Network
"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand
Worth watching, every second of it
This woman has admitted to murdering this man in a wheelchair, forcing him to watch the acts of violence she perpetrated on him in a mirror, over the course of 45 minutes, until he was finally dead. At one point she made him watch her drive a nail into his head. Yes, you read that right. I can't imagine the horror he must have felt. And, he was utterly defenseless. She then goes on to say she has done this kind of thing to other people too, for the same reason: they allegedly "snitched" on people she cared about to the police regarding criminal activities they were pursuing or had pursued. She offered no apologies and said she would do it all again.
The piece ends with the desk reporter saying this woman is scheduled for a psychiatric evaluation.
Will it make headline news? Will it be on major channels' news shows at 6:30 ET? I doubt it. Likewise will we see the story about the Brazilian girl who has confessed to the murders of 30 men any time before Hell freezes over? Doubt it.
Yet Another Victim?
Yet another female victim of the misogynistic male dominated medical field. Her anti psychotic meds must have needed changing?
Well, at least she can play the Andrea Yates Get Out Of Jail Free Card by pleading NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF TEMPORARY INSANITY. 2 years max; then out with no criminal record.
The last of many?
In the video she claims that she has killed others as well! Woman, the gentle sex.
Rise, Rebel, Resist.