Does misandry discourages men from wanting kids?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I certainly don’t want children, now or in the future. As a member of VHEMT (Voluntary Human Exinction MovemenT)I have many reasons for not doing so, some of which are:
'5. Misandry. I’ve watched every one of my male friends who got married get hauled through the divorce courts. Those who had kids got relegated to the role of “fortnightly father” with almost no say in how the kids are actually raised, no home and 1/3 of their pay taken in maintenance, and that’s if they were allowed access to the kids at all with all the false accusations of domestic violence and suchlike coming from the ex-wife. Their ex-wives usually found another bloke and got the benefit of his income plus the maintenance, while the guys can’t afford to start a new family because of the ex taking it all. After seeing these guys go through hell on earth, no way am I going to let that happen to me.
Misandry? It’s the word of the month in here isn’t it? We’ve got a bit of misandry dysentery at the moment haven’t we? I thought Mystikan was a random lemon squeezed from the nasal philosophy of Agent Smith from The Matrix (you know, “human beings are a.... virus") but when I went and did some snoop-dogging on the Interents I discovered that there was, in fact, such a movement called VHEMT. While Mystikan seems to have chosen not to have kids because he thinks men are being institutionally and (apparently) invariably brutalised by women in our modern societies, the VHEMT presents some slightly less subjective reasons for actively choosing not to have children.'

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Clearly the author of this post is not in touch with misandry as a phenomenon of study. Well, at least he mentions it in his post.

Anyway, he sounds like he could use some polite education on the topic via the comments section of the article.

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"Does misandry discourage men from wanting kids?"

It sure as hell doesn't help!

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This article seems, at least in part, to be about a sort of voluntary extinction of the human race by refusing to breed. This allows me to make a point that I have not made before although it is one of my central beliefs. And that is that male existence is essentially painful and not worth having. Having said that I know it is difficult to extinguish ones own existence even when simultaneously wishing that one did not exist. If you read the diary of the man who killed himself in a gym what you will find comes through is that he found male existence literally intolerable. You will find other things in his words but this idea certainly is there. His reasons for finding male existence intolerable might be debatable but his despair at his existence is all to vivid.

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