Woman faces jail for lying about rape to get abortion in Spain

Story here. Excerpt:

'The 27-year-old woman, who lives in Malaga, used the excuse to get a termination when she became pregnant after having an extramarital affair, police said.

The woman, who is from Latin America and has not been named, told police that she had been followed by a masked man who forced her into the back of his car, drove her to scrubland, and raped her at knife point.

But police became suspicious after inconsistencies in her story and because she failed to report the crime until two months after the supposed attack. She then took her police report to a medical centre and asked for an abortion.

Police spend three weeks investigating her claim before they accused the woman of inventing the story to prevent her husband discovering that she had become pregnant from her lover.

She is facing between six months and a year for requesting an abortion on false grounds and six to 12 months for falsifying a crime.'

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Ya gotta love the female perspective of the writer:

she says:
"The case highlights the need to reform Spain's abortion laws, which are among the most restrictive in Europe, a move undertaken by the socialist government of Jose Luis Rodriquez Zapatero

EXCUSE ME!? This case HIGHLIGHTS the easy no punishment culture of false allegations. Making excuses for this woman EXACERBATES the problem and normalizes it, not solves it.

So freaking "me, me, me" centered.

Not so different than America I see.


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Yes Steven that's absolutely right you have cut to the important point which is illuminating for readers like me. Women are never on our side. For them it is, and can never be anything else than, me,me me.....

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