Woman Spends Thanksgiving On Billboard to Protest C/S Injustice

Story covered here. Excerpt:

"Shelly Barreras says sometimes you have to do whatever it takes, in a peaceful way, to get results, especially when you’re dealing with government.

New Mexico Governor Richardson has apparently reneged on a promise to help the Barreras family recover $15,000 collected by the state as child support from Steve Barreras, for a child that never existed.

At half-past four Thursday morning Barreras climbed a ladder to her perch above I-40 to hang a large banner. Emergency vehicles and crews from three television stations arrived and the roads were closed."

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"I didn’t just do this for my family," Barreras explained, "I did it for all the families in this country who are suffering with family law and child support issues. The whole system needs to be demolished and rebuilt."

Even women begin to agree that the whole social system needs an urgent repair.

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The family courts/CAS (Children's Aid Society)/and the social work industry have been destroying people's (mostly men and children's) lives for decades and it needs to stop.

I definitely am in whole hearted agreement that the existing system needs to be completely abolished and re-thought from the ground up. I do not think the powers that be will be willing to reform in any meaningful way and therefore need to be replaced.

Great job Shelly!

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