UK Guardian: 'The 2009 summer of hate'

Article here. Excerpt:

'For anyone who thought the backlash against feminism was predicated on nothing more than the fevered imaginings of bitter, man-hating old harridans, the past few weeks must have been quite an eye-opener. From the mainstream media's desperate attempts to convince its audience that feminists don't even exist, to calls for Harriet Harman and Hillary Clinton to shut the fuck up and stop being uppity, the attack on both feminism and feminists this summer has been relentless.
The unprecedented vilification that's been heaped upon these two high-profile women cannot be seen in isolation, as though there's no common thread running between it all. It's no coincidence, for example, that both are the highest ranked women in their respective political administrations, and that both have resolutely refused to compromise their feminist beliefs. Equally it's not just by chance that they've both been "caught out" by the press at exactly the moment they've been let off the leash, when their male bosses haven't been around to keep them in their place.
Both Harman and Clinton have consistently spoken out. The 2009 summer of hate is the price they're both now having to pay.'

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Any disgust aimed at Harman is well justified. As for hatred? Harman is the one spewing bile at men.

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They think feminism is under attack? An attack in my book would be someone shooting the hate-fuelled Harriet Harman dead. Hopefully this "attack" on feminism continues to gain momentum.

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... is defending the indefensible, and they dont come more indefensible than Harriet Harman.

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Just to continue the hate filled attack for a little longer I am going to add my little bit. Although feminists may have come under attack we never hear the labour party (harmen's part) described as what it is, and that is a feminist party and nothing else. Traditionally the labour party was supposed to be the party of the Working Man. This is still how many men see it. But this is complete nonsense. If ever this was true, and I doubt it, it must be hardly in living memory that it the labour party did anything to help the Working Man. In fact the labour party has nothing but contempt for the Working Man. Did you know that it was the labour party in the thirties who set up work camps where unemployed men would be coerced into going ( under threat of cutting their merger benefit) because it was felt that unemployment would make them soft and they needed the strain of hard manual work to toughen them up.

It was a labour politician who once called the tories vermin. I would not demure from that except to add that the labour party is scum.

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and that both have resolutely refused to compromise their feminist beliefs.

If they were for equality, they wouldn't be feminist.

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What goes around.... No mention of the hatred of those on the other side. Just because these people are political lackeys of the state run media we are supposed to feel they are being mistreated because of their gender. If women and minorities are to be equal under law, let them take the bad with the good. Those on the right, and many on the left, are weary of the guilt trips. Just say No to Guilt..... No more guilt.
Let Equality flourish, the chips fall where they may.

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