New Jersey Mom Accused of Killing Daughter, Injuring Other Child

Story here. Excerpt:

'Police say a New Jersey woman killed her four-year-old daughter, attempted to kill her six-year-old daughter and then tried to kill herself during a brutal attack Sunday morning.

Morris County prosecutors say 33-year-old Jenny Erazo-Rodriguez faces charges of murder, attempted murder and endangering the welfare of a child. Bail is set at $1 million.

Morris Township police responded to the home Sunday and found a neighbor administering CPR to an unconscious 4-year-old girl on the lawn.

Another neighbor was caring for the girl's 6-year-old sister. Officials say she was conscious, but lethargic.'

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"According to MyFOXNY, the woman's husband was outside doing yard work when the alleged attack took place."

See he was ignoring her, while not doing anything productive (remember yard work is not counted as housework according to the ruling feminists) causing her to slip into an uncontrollable fit of depression or something or other and kill one of her children and attempt to kill the other.

Clearly this woman is a blameless victim herself in all this. I bet none of this would have happened if her husband just took more responsibilities around the house and paid more attention to this psycho bitch.

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