UK: Do male teachers get a bad rap?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Why the downward trend in male teaching? According to Bryan Nelson, founder of MenTeach, a nonprofit organization dedicated to recruiting male teachers, research suggests three key reasons for the shortage of male teachers: low status and pay, the perception that teaching is "women's work," and the fear of accusation of child abuse.

"There's a lack of support for male teachers, a lack of respect, and a lack of being able to be involved in decision-making," says Reg Weaver, president of the National Education Association (NEA). "And I can't say it's getting better."

Low salary levels have also proved to be a deterrent, especially for those men who value being the breadwinners of the family. The average U.S. public school teacher salary for 2005-2006 was $49,026, according to the NEA. "There's a long-entrenched idea that males are supposed to make lots of money and be a big-time breadwinner," Brown says. "But teaching won't make anyone rich."'

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At first glance I can tell you all this is nonsense. For reasons I wont go into I have been applying for teacher training in the UK. Because I am well qualified and meet the criteria I have had a great many offers of interview. So to begin with I get the ticks in the boxes. I have only been able to go to a portion of the interview I got invited to but a pattern quickly emerged. Mostly when I turned up for interview I was dealt with exclusively by women. I never got any further for than the interview. In passing I would like to make an observation. Often when rejecting me they felt obliged to give me feed back. This was done not because I wanted it or because I had asked for it. The point I am trying to make here is that this illustrates a woman's compulsion to point out a man's defects ( I will say more about this later). Anyway I digress.

Only two of my interviews where with men. With the first it was clear that the interviewer saw my worth and was supportive in every way. However he did not actually have the power to offer me a place though it was clear he would if he could. My second interview with a man , which incidentally was the day before yesterday, resulted in the offer of a place. I hope you all get the point here.

I need to add something. In both cases the male interviewers were in fact old style men, both in their fifties. I double I would have fared too well if they had been in their thirties.

Now just for a moment I will return to my earlier point about a woman being compelled to point out a man's faults. Now I think contributions to this site will recognize manonthestreet and be familiar with the vehemence of my comments. I often say women are filth. Actually they are much worse. The compulsion to tell you all your faults is a female obsession, indeed they feel it is their duty. I say this as someone who has been married for over 30 years. It is only through this experience that I can tell you that women, even the best of them, are worthless.

You know I only post here in the hope that may be one (one would be enough) young man will read my words and not fall into the hell which is the fate of any married man.

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I can always count on you for a laugh, Trotter.

It cracks me up. People engaging in the exact behavior that they are taking the time to complain about and accuse only women of doing.

You say only women take the time to mention people's faults?

If memory serves me correct, Trotter, almost every one of your posts is about women's faults.

See the irony?

Good luck on your teaching career.

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Yes kris but I don't tell them to their faces. I don't feel compelled to try to make them better. Anyway a careful reading of what I write does not indicate that I am trying to tell women their faults but to tell men how much I dislike women, how dangerous they are and how men should avoid women.

On things for sure I am not writing here for any woman to read but of course any can do so..

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p.s. You see I think men are afraid to dislike women or indeed have any bad thoughts about them. We need to loose our deference. If my vile words help other men loose theirs then so much the better.

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i'll make it even more basic.

people need to realize that women are human. they are prone to doing mistakes like men.

if they have the bigger share of mistakes, they need to suck it up and accept it.

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May be women are human too but I can not see it. And do women see men as human? My evidence from my own household is that men rank after the guinea pigs. Before posting here I read down the list of other posts and I was encouraged. There are other men who are beginning to see things my way.

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i'm saying what i did from the POV that women are some kind of ultimate higher being.

my argument is that they are not. when people accept the notion that women are no better, maybe holding them accountable for their crap will come naturally.

what would be a real kick in the nuts is if this whole thing was nature's way of keeping the man population down. with animals, it's always a fight between the males for sole privilege of getting laid.

generally, no one fucks with the Alpha Male (tm). the weaker males avoid him and the females just let him get his groove on once a year.

kinda like how it works with us. the most obvious example being girls who avoid nice guys and go for the jerks who treat them like crap (a gross generalization but it wouldn't be a stereotype if it wasn't at LEAST partially true.)

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