Higher education playing bigger role in gender wage gap

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women are still segregated into college majors that will lead them to careers with less pay than men, said Donna Bobbitt-Zeher, author of the study and assistant professor of sociology at Ohio State University at Marion.

"Gender segregation in college is becoming more influential in how men and women are rewarded later in life," Bobbitt-Zeher said.
"A lot of people look at data showing that women are more likely to go to college than men, and that women get better grades in college than men, and assume that everything is all right," she said.

"But this research suggests there are still problems for women that relate to college."
"There's been a lot of attention paid to the fact that women seem to be doing so well in college compared to men. But what people don't know is that education is playing a bigger role than ever in perpetuating the gender income gap," she said.'

Study contact: Donna Bobbitt-Zeher, email: bobbitt-zeher.1-at-osu.edu
Author: Jeff Grabmeier, email: Grabmeier.1-at-osu.edu

As always, be polite, stick to facts.

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Just another politically correct article that tries to ignore boys by coming up with 'junk' data to suggest the educational system is failing girls.

Christina Hoff Sommers:

"white boys have become politically incorrect".

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"Women are still segregated into college majors that will lead them to careers with less pay than men..."

I almost fell out of my chair! "still segregated"? As in, being forced by law to sit someplace else, passively getting treated as second-class-citizens?? I'm not even black and I resent the use of the word "segregated" in this context! It is simply 1000% inaccurate and attempts to contrast the status of women in colleges today, which is near-divine, can't-do-enough-for-them, to the status of blacks under Jim Crow-era laws. It is disgusting!

What planet it this woman living on, anyway? College-bound females are being importuned and rewarded, sometimes quite extravagantly, for going into "traditionally male-dominated fields of study" of all kinds while boys are being encouraged to major in "non-traditional majors" or just plain told to forget college and go to trade school, all so a university can claim it is being pro-active in "helping women achieve equality," with "special programs (ie, scholarships and tuition breaks). Meanwhile, Johnny gets penalized for the sin of having a penis and can only get $$ assistance if he is 1) an indisputable genius or 2) an outstanding athlete. Other than that, he gets nothing from the other side of the desk except the shaft.

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I don't know, but I didn't really read so much negativity out of the article. There is an obvious bias with some pretty loaded words, but the point of the study seems pretty reasonable.

Women get better grades than men because they choose easier fields of study and then they get worse pay than men because they never truly challenged themselves the way men do. I say, that's dead on. Don't even need a study to figure that one out. I would rather live in a culture where women are told to put in a good faith effort in college rather than a system where we bend over backwards to prove that there isn't even the slightest hint of discrimination when they just don't get paid as much.

The way I see it, women are doing it to themselves. Just about every department at every school seems to have programs designed to attract women by making it easier for them. Then they have so many scholarships that are only available to women. Then there are all the fields of study that no man in his right mind would ever be interested, and those fields are almost always subjective and undisciplined. Add it all up and there are lots of incentives for women to take the easy road through college.

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Bobbitt? It makes me wonder where her allegiance lies. :)

Sascha Konietzko --


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Sending letters to the author presupposes that he/she is merely a ms.informed, ignorant, or naive seeker of truth. If he/she is, then great. But if the author is a feminist, this is a waste of time. For 40 yrs feminist writers have ardently believed that lying is a legitimate tool in the dismantling of the Patriarchy. Difference is that they used to say so openly.

A better use of the time in that case is to write letters to the editor or in the "comment section," hoping to pierce the lace curtain with the gen'l public.

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