UK: The men transforming into female hybrids

Article here. Excerpt:

"Modern women are turning their husbands into 'male-female hybrids' by ordering them to do a rising number of domestic chores, a relationship counsellor claims.

Women increasingly used to being in charge in the workplace are adopting the same policy at home, telling their men to perform traditional housewives' tasks such as the laundry, vacuuming and ironing.
'Many of us are so focused, decisive and assertive, that the only role left for our husbands is one where they comply and let us take charge - traditionally feminine traits.

'But the irony is, we don't actually want men like that, and we end up eventually resenting them for not being more dominant and fearless.'"

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Don't get married. When will men learn?

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Marriage offers nothing to a man except the destruction of what he is or should be. Sex is a fraud. It is merely a state of discontent which befuddles our reason. Men may not be able to defeat women but we can renounce them.

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This has always confused me. We've heard it all before -- men need to help out more. But why is it up to the woman to decide when something needs cleaning? Why is it up to her to determine what HIS chores are?

If I look at a carpet and don't see the need for vacuuming, why is she right and I'm wrong if she feels differently?

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