NY Times Op-Ed: 'Women at Risk'

Article here. Excerpt:

'We have become so accustomed to living in a society saturated with misogyny that the barbaric treatment of women and girls has come to be more or less expected.

We profess to being shocked at one or another of these outlandish crimes, but the shock wears off quickly in an environment in which the rape, murder and humiliation of females is not only a staple of the news, but an important cornerstone of the nation’s entertainment.

The mainstream culture is filled with the most gruesome forms of misogyny, and pornography is now a multibillion-dollar industry — much of it controlled by mainstream U.S. corporations.
A girl or woman somewhere in the U.S. is sexually assaulted every couple of minutes or so. The number of seriously battered wives and girlfriends is far beyond the ability of any agency to count.
We would become much more sane, much healthier, as a society if we could bring ourselves to acknowledge that misogyny is a serious and pervasive problem, and that the twisted way so many men feel about women, combined with the absurdly easy availability of guns, is a toxic mix of the most tragic proportions.'

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Let's be honest. Another propaganda piece out of the New York Times.

His Op-Ed is a long line of unsupported claims and lies. Misogyny this, maleness bad, misogyny that. Not one mention of the rampant misandry in today's society.

Funny how he leaves out the killer's abusive mother and disfunctional family. Nope, we can only pin ALL of the blame on men.

We live in a society where men are routinely kicked around every day. We get it from women, pseudo-men (like Bob Herbert), the media, companies. So one guy got a lethal dose of abuse in childhood and then snapped as an adult.

But whatever you do, don't assign any blame to the abusive mothers who help create monsters like George Sodini -- that would be misogynistic.

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We all knew that such Op-ed pieces were on the way after this recent shooting. There will be more.

Its like Columbine all over again, only worse, since it was a guy shooting at girls.

Scares me, since it was something only a little worse in Canada in 1989 that lead to all of the holier than thou white ribbon BS. And look at how all of the laws that came afterward.


Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.

Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5

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We’ve seen this tragic ritual so often that it has the feel of a formula. A woman is filled with a seething rage toward men and has easy access to revenge by the government. The result: either men who are bankrupted by the family courts yet can't even see their own children or men who have their reputations ruined due to the false-rape hysteria paid for by his own tax dollars.

We constantly hear stories like this one in the media:
Back in the fall of 2006, a fiend invaded an Amish schoolhouse in rural Pennsylvania, separated the girls from the boys, and then shot 10 of the girls, killing five

I wrote, at the time, that there would have been thunderous outrage if someone had separated potential victims by race or religion and then shot, say, only the blacks, or only the whites, or only the Jews. But if you shoot only the boys or only the men — not so much of an uproar.

We have become so accustomed to living in a society saturated with misandry that the barbaric treatment of men and boys has come to be more or less expected. Either by longer prison sentences for the same crimes, or routine genital mutilation while they are defense babies.

We are shocked at one or another of these outlandish crimes involving men, but the shock wears off quickly in an environment in which the rape, murder and humiliation of males is not only a staple of the news, but an important cornerstone of the nation’s entertainment and unofficially part of the punishment men receive in prison.

One of the striking things about women committing crimes in the U.S. is how consistently we find that the killers were riddled with shame and sexual humiliation, which they inevitably blamed on men and boys.

Even when people shoot both men and women, the attention is focused more on women. I was reminded of the Virginia Tech gunman, Seung-Hui Cho, who killed 32 people in a rampage at the university in 2007. While Cho shot males as well as females, he was reported to have previously stalked female classmates and to have leaned under tables to take inappropriate photos of women. A former roommate said Cho once claimed to have seen “promiscuity” when he looked into the eyes of a woman on campus.

Life in the United States is mind-bogglingly violent. Men suffer the most violence, but the media always take s particular notice of the amounts of violence brought down on the nation’s women and girls each and every day for no other reason than who they are.

We are surrounded by false statistics spewed out in the media such as these:

A girl or woman somewhere in the U.S. is sexually assaulted every couple of minutes or so. The number of seriously battered wives and girlfriends is far beyond the ability of any agency to count.

There were so many sexual attacks against women in the armed forces that the Defense Department had to revise its entire approach to the problem.

We would become much more sane, much healthier, as a society if we could bring ourselves to acknowledge that misandry is as serious and pervasive as misogyny, and that the twisted way that the genders feel about each other, combined with the absurdly easy availability of guns, is a toxic mix of the most tragic proportions.

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Oddly I find myself not caring what happens to women. Look you USA men you are expected to die killing Vietnamese, Iraqis, Iranians, N Koreans ...... the list goes on. But none of these have done you any harm or indeed can do you any harm. There is no threat to you except from the women in your midst who will dispossess you of everything. Men are the new Niggers and this is what women have done to you. Know who your enemy really is.

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This is just the beginning . Young boys who've been manipulated into believing masculinity is some form of deviant behaviour will grow up with the same ideology as this guy. We have our work cut out for us.

Sascha Konietzko --


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Men are the new 'niggers'? I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that but it might be a bit harsh considering black men/boys generally face the same problems as white men. (Especially in regard to education and health). The only difference might be the umbrella of political correctness which generally doesn't apply to white guys. Either way I would consider black men a vital component to our movement. I would never be so arrogant to condemn a man for his choice of words, but I personally address all men with the same level of respect.

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Anthony of course you are right. Black men get the worst of it. My use of the forbidden word was just to be as shocking as I dare in characterising the lot of men (all men). So I use the word to describe men as a despised almost subhuman group. In the past others have occupied this position.

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I was just curious.


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we need men from all spectrums: racial, cultural, class, political, etc.


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