Author engages in communal blame for George Sodini's spree

Article here. Excerpt:

'Male rage does have a habit of popping up. Hardly a week seems to go by without inordinate amounts of venom and scorn being aimed in the direction of prominent female politicians. Elsewhere, I have noticed a distinct increase in musings on how over-assertive women only have ourselves to blame if our men are weak and emasculated. We have outmanned and unmanned them – what bitches we are! This isn't even counting the drear that's always there, especially on the internet, from bitter rantings on divorce sites, to full-throttle misogyny on openly women-hating sites. And now we have Sodini on his blogs and videos, blaming all his ills on a dominant mother (the ultimate male rage target) and the "30 million" who rejected him.
Sodini could be classed as just a random psychopath. In some ways, that's comforting. Far better that than the idea that for some men out there this kind of thing is becoming a distinct manifesto. The dark paradox is that if Sodini felt his social status was demeaned by his lack of success with women, he probably wasn't even shooting at the correct gender. It's men who tend to torture other men about status, just as women tend to torture other women about body image. Therefore, it's men, not women, who were responsible for Sodini's misery. In the meantime, women should be aware: male rage is dangerous and may be more widespread than you think. Be careful who you don't fancy.'

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I replied not long ago to someone who emailed MANN and asked why the gym-class-shooter story hadn't been posted. My reply to the original note of inquiry is as follows; I thought some may be interested:

"Not a bad suggestion. But as tragic as the shooting was, it is not really an MRA issue. Strange as it sounds, it doesn't have bearing on men's rights.

Not every story of a crazed woman shooting a man or men makes it to MANN. But when a crazed man kills some women because (ostensibly) he can't deal with women in some way, the story does make it to mainstream media, like this story did, and rightly so; anytime anyone goes on a random killing spree, this is news.

But as nuts as this guy was though, he wasn't any nuttier than women who hate men and may or may not use acts of violence against them, despite their level of hatred being murderously high. I suspect that the only thing keeping some women from going on man-shooting sprees is 1) their desire to avoid jail (ie, they don't have it in their plan to commit suicide afterward like this loon did, and so know they will either die by police gunfire or go to jail - well, maybe, depending on how well they act for the camera...) and 2) their own fear of that level of violence itself - they just can't "deal" with all the noise, etc. However, a more personal, targeted kind of violence at a particular person, yes, they can manage that-- husbands, boyfriends, etc., they do it all the time. And having the nerve to hire someone to do the actual killing, yes, we know it's there in them as well (again, current events point this up). But to actually go on a rampage killing strangers? Between cultural and sociological factors, most women just can't or won't "go there". But if they did, feminists would have gone on man-killing rampages long ago that would make the current events today look like a vacation."

The current submission, which includes a "male rage" and "we all better be careful!" warning to her fellow women however is germane to MRA issues, filed under gender-stereotyping and more media-based bashing.

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I have followed this story with rapt attention because I believe that Sodini (the perpetrator) acted out how many men feel. At a certain point, life as a male in America today is so degrading, so isolating, so hopeless, that some men will strike out. Perhaps these crimes are a barometer for the lack of help that males get in our society, for the unrealistic way they are supposed to handle so many things on their own?

Consider that the relatively high levels of male violence, compared to violence perpetrated by females, may reflect the way that males are treated by the prevailing anti-male American society. It would be an interesting study to measure male violence, particularly male violence against females, against the level of negativity or positive towards men, measured across various countries with different cultures. I suggest that we will soon discover that Sodini's obviously criminal and morally-unjustifiable behavior does indeed reflect a level of male rage and male hopelessness. Unless men are treated better, the frequency and severity of these incidents are both likely to increase in the years ahead.

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Any gender based site that doesn't vilify men.

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>"I replied not long ago to someone who emailed MANN and asked why the gym-class-shooter story hadn't been posted."

In case anyone is wondering: It was NOT me!


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But blaming all men,for one act of violents,is bullshit!

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If society can forgive Bloody Mary Winkler for assassinating her pastor husband while he slept because she said he made her wear ugly platform shoes during sex then we can forgive Mr. Sodini for not being able to score. Fair is Fair.

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... she wouldn't be using them to score such vile points against their husbands, sons, brothers and fathers.
Feminism isnt about helping women, it's about hating men.

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In the end there is no reason why men and women should have anything to do with each other. Regarding women as ones enemy is simply to recognise the true situation of men and correctly identify where the danger lies. Men have fought each other for millennia. Could it not be that in times to come men will no longer fight each other and unite against the common enemy?

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