Husband of Wrong-Way Crash Driver Probed

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CBS/AP) Authorities are investigating the husband of the woman who was driving a minivan the wrong way on a parkway just north of New York City when it hit an SUV head-on late last month, killing herself and seven others, sources say.

Diane Schuler, 36, is dead, along with her 2-year-old daughter, three nieces aged 5, 7 and 8 and three men in the SUV. Her 5-year-old son survived the fiery crash.

CBS station WCBS-TV in New York says it's learned that Daniel Schuler "is himself now being investigated by Suffolk County (Long Island, site of the Schuler family home) Child Protective Services" who want to know "how much Schuler knew about his wife's drinking and marijuana use the day of the crash."'

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I mean, a woman was intoxicated and driving a minivan full of children is dead and there wasn't a man around. SOMEONE (male) has to be responsible!

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And if he knew anything and had tried to prevent her driving he would be in jail for domestic violence for there is nothing worse in the eyes of the femi-nazi law than a man-father getting in a woman's way.

Let Equality flourish, the chips fall where they may.

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