NOW calls for every vacant seat on the Supreme Court to be filled by a woman until there are at least four

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women have every reason to be outraged about gender disparity on the Supreme Court. When Sotomayor joins Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the court this fall, women will occupy a whopping 22 percent of the bench. Sixteen years passed between the confirmations of Ginsburg and Sotomayor, and three men were elevated to the high court during that time. At that unacceptable rate, it could take decades, maybe even centuries, to achieve a gender balanced court. There's no excuse to wait for equality: NOW calls for every open seat on the Supreme Court to be filled by a woman until there are four, if not five women justices.'

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... femaleness. The next, arguably the more important one, is that the candidate see things through feminist lenses. (I doubt if Sarah Palin were up for the next SC seat she would get NOW's endorsement.)

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Talk about melodrama.

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in favor of radical women n.o.w. approves of,
as has happened w/ women in the universities,
mostly due to a.a. and handing them everything
they need to succeed, including grades, will they
then turn off the privilege switch?

this question has already been answered, every day
in the corrupted courts, femstuffed colleges, and
everywhere else they force their perverted ideas.

and we are all paying the extra price for these
constant handouts; and, it is more than just a
monetary price. they care nothing for the Constitution
or our way of life. the poison planted by radical feminists
in the hearts of the average woman is just too strong
to overcome.

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