"He probably deserved it"

The story of a woman who apparently killed her husband (John Housman) in Boulder, Colorado affirms what has become our cultural norm: if a woman kills a man, he must have deserved it.

The Denver Post called the murder a tragedy. The Boulder Daily Camera has now run two stories, including this one, describing Housman's various past sins, including the contents of an e-mail from an ex-wife who assures us the killer must have acted in self-defense. The murder victim apparently had a bad temper, was ticketed was for DV, and harassed a former landlord.

It's difficult to imagine any newspaper running a story that suggests, implies, hints that a murdered woman deserved to die. But the BDC has now run two suggesting Housman deserved to die. Excerpt:

'BOULDER, Colo. — Nine years ago, in the throes of a divorce, John Housman — then 32 — was ticketed for domestic violence after threatening to kill his wife and “bash” her face in, according to a Boulder police report made public Wednesday.

Now, detectives are talking with friends and family members to find out whether Housman and his fourth wife, Traci, had a history of domestic violence, said police spokeswoman Sarah Huntley.

John Housman, 41, was found dead in his home at 2994 23rd St. in Boulder early Sunday after Traci Housman, 36, called 911 to report that she had stabbed him, according to police. She was arrested on suspicion of second-degree murder.'

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That's about it. The restraining order thing from his mistress could simply have been an effort to embarrass him or get the fact of his affair out to his wife without telling her directly - and sticking it to him for not leaving his wife for his mistress. He had a temper? May mean everything, may mean nothing. Persons of either sex can be very cordial in public and very angry or abusive in private, and vice versa. Even as feminists are wont to point out, some of the "nicest men" are "evil wife-beaters" and so NO MAN IS ABOVE SUSPICION! I'd like to point out that the same is true for women, however.

Conjecture, of course. We'll never know his side of the story since he's dead. I doubt his old lady will do any time. Heck, she'll probably get a book deal.

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