NY Times Opinion: Do Women Make Better Bosses?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Do “female bosses tend to be better managers, better advisers, mentors, rational thinkers”?

That is the view of Carol Smith, the senior vice president and chief brand officer for the Elle Group, expressed in a short interview published inside The Times’s business section a week ago Sunday. Ms. Smith also said that male bosses “love to hear themselves talk” and that in some previous jobs she purposely arrived late to meetings so she could miss the men’s conversations about golf and football.'

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The answer is a foregone conclusion, of course. Notice the "opinionators" are all women except for one man who starts his piece with "Carol Smith sounds like an excellent manager. Further, her statement that women as a group are better managers than men as a group is supported by recent research." Not much need to go further at that point.

The NY Times, as it has become a shill for feminists and gender separatists, has commensurately lost its readership as well as it main revenue sources. Yet, it persists in continuing along its merry way as the feminist equivalent of Der Angriff for the neo-post-post-modern post-pre-post-post-feminist world. Frankly I don't see the NYT lasting too much longer.

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If female bosses are supposed to be better managers, how come they can't even accurately count the number of domestic violence victims that stay at their shelters?

This is just more Marx-o-centric, "race, class, and gender" agit-prop from the leading Marx-o-centric propaganda rag in Amerika, IMO.

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I worked as a flight line manager fueling aircraft. Our female general manager ordered us uniforms made of nylon and wool even tho I told her that they could produce static and result in catching jet fuel on fire and loss of life and damage to multi million dollar aircraft. Did she care even tho I also do the same job in the Air Force and know what I am talking about? Nope! SHE decided that those uniforms were safe to wear!

When I went to the Boss above her, a male, he got rid of those uniforms because of safety. Of course she was pissed but oh well.

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Same old crap of having the freedom to claim women are superior while condemning as misogyny anything that might claim men have even the slightest natural advantage. This youtube tells the story. about 21st century equality.

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