Draft Bill to be Introduced

Story here.

File it under "Draft Watch 2007". The previous introduced bill (back in 2005) stipulated an abolishment of the male-only draft and military-only assignment of duties in favor of a "National Service" program wherein people of both sexes would be subject to induction and assignment to military or "other occupations". Guess we'll just have to see what January brings. My guess is it will be the same, with of course the unspoken, tacit assumption that it will be men moved into military/combat roles with women moved into something else, possibly domestic law enforcement or related.

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Politicians came to conclusion that the society now is much more controllable and manageable than during the Vietnam war and it's time now to bring the draft back. And I think it will be brought back sooner or later.

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I heard the pentagon and white house are opposed to the draft coming back. This may just be some political manuevering before the Presidential election. Still, Rangel has brought this up before so I'm not sure why he's so intent on this.

Personally, I think the draft coming back would more clearly show, that in our society, men are disposable and women get special privileges. I suspect if the draft came back the real burden of war would be shown more clearly to always be on men's shoulders. Where's the privilege for men in being cannon fodder??? The theory that all men benefit from Patriarchy is a big load of gender feminist c#@%.

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I don't think this is maneuvering because Rangel has been pushing the draft coming back for many years. He just got the opportunity to bring up this issue in the Congress. And now there are more and more voices in America supporting this idea. Notice that the reinstatement of draft is actively pushed by the democrats, who have feminism almost as their official ideology. The draft is needed as an instrument for further lowering and oppressing men in the US.

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This morning on the early AM radio talk stations I heard several Iraq war veterans and active reservists express that they are totally opposed to the resumption of the draft.


Because people who are drafted don't want to be in the armed services! They negatively affect morale, safety, combat effectiveness.

These guys calling in were completely in favor of continuing an all-volunteer forces, mainly because they don't want to serve in an army of disgruntled whiners.

Makes you wonder how we won WWII?

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Almost all the military men say the same. Then if the draft is not useful in the military aspect why it's being proposed? Because it's useful in the civil aspect. All men who went through the military service become more "disciplined": they are more manageable and more readily obey rules and orders. And most importantly - they become used to feel the constant oppression from their authorities as something normal.

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