'Two fake sexual assaults in two days, but false reporting is rare'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies, Inc. said even though there were two false reports in two days, it's rare for people to make up these kinds of stories.

Mary Baer, Director of Sexual Assault Services said, "Only two percent of rape reports are false, and that is about the same number of false reports of any other crime."

Mary Baer also said false reporting not only wastes time and money, but it could also keep real victims from coming forward - fearing no one will believe them.

"False reports just feed into the myth that women lie about rape, and it's not true," Baer said.'

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Prove it Mary Baer! Only two percent of rape reports are false? Prove it!

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Maybe someone should send her an e-mail with a link to MANN. She can then scroll through numerous pages of false reporting. In fact, the article below this one is a false rape accusation.

"Convicted of false report, Minneapolis woman files civil rights suit"

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"False reports just feed into the myth that women lie about rape"


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when you redefine words like rape and assault,
as feminist's are the original pro's at doing.

did he touch you?

did he look at you or speak to you?
a couple times, yea.

and so forth.

they never tire of the old tried and true tactics.
'cause they always work on the weak of mind.

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'"False reports just feed into the myth that women lie about rape, and it's not true," Baer said.'

Of course it's true, you lying harpy. You lie about rape and you lie about lying about rape.

But she's made it abundantly clear that she doesn't care one whit about the very real harm done to men by those false accusations. I'm sure men don't even appear on the radar for her; they simply don't matter.

In private conversations with police officers, I've been told that as many as 75% of rape accusations are false.

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Rape victims are a very small minority of women. They are expendable in the pursuit of the greater agenda.

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