Mom Claims Devil Made Her Decapitate and Mutilate Son

Story here. Excerpt:

'In what police describe as one of the most gruesome crimes against a child in recent memory, an infant boy was stabbed, decapitated and mutilated early Sunday.

His 33-year-old mother claimed responsibility, police said.

Otty Sanchez told police that she was “hearing voices” and that the devil made her kill Scott Wesley Buchholtz Sanchez, to whom she gave birth on June 30, San Antonio police spokesman Joe Rios said.

Sanchez used a steak knife to repeatedly stab the nearly 4-week-old baby, then decapitate and mutilate him, Rios said. A police source said the baby was skinned and gutted.

Sanchez then used the knife to stab herself in the chest and abdomen, police said.

Sanchez was detained and taken to University Hospital, where she remained in stable condition Sunday night. She was charged by proxy late Sunday with capital murder, which is punishable by the death penalty. Bond was set at $1 million.'

In another report of the same murder, it is reported that the mother ate the boy's brain.

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She sounds completely bonkers. The real investigation here lies with this question: Did anyone know what kind of risk she posed to her son and if so, what was (or wasn't) done to prevent it? Your typical lunatic does not one day just decide to start murdering his or her own children and commit cannibalism. There are always clues, some more overt than others. What history did she have, if any, with CPS? Where is the boy's father and if he is not in the picture, why not? Where are the neighbors and what had they seen before this murder took place?

Of course we shall see how she is handled. A psych facility, or jail? Someone this crazy is obviously insane but would we put a man in a psych ward who did this, or a jail? Anyone evincing this kind of behavior is clearly criminally insane and should be locked up in a psych facility which they are never allowed to leave. In short: Jail with shrinks. I'm fine with that. But once she is in there, can she ever be let out? I would be slow to do that any time before she turned 90.

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For all the absurd -- "Demons made me kill my baby" excuses, this one seems legit. She's crazier then a shit house rat.

Here's the $1,000,000 question: Would a man who committed the same crime face the death penalty or psychiatric treatment?

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Came across this on yahoo and almost did a post blasting her until i saw she's almost certainly completely mad. Of course she wouldn't be the first to plead insanity, but the details do make her seem insane. After killing the baby she ripped off his face, ate his brain and chewed off his toes. Very unlikely behavior for a sane child killer.

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No if, ands, buts, or maybes about it. Sure people would say he's insane, but 'treatment' would not even be on the table for discussion and no one would ask 'why?' until after he received his death sentence. He would just be deemed a monster plain and simple.

But since this is a woman, we must ask what made her do it and find some demons to blame.

I agree she sounds genuinely insane though. Probably should have been sterilized long ago to prevent her from giving birth to a meal at all. Not to mention why she was allowed near her nieces and nephews in the same house either is beyond my comprehension... she should have been no where near ANYONE she could harm especially children who can be trying on the mental health of a perfectly sane individual let alone a lunatic like her.

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Will Andrea Yates out (hey! this is Texas after all) Get psychiatric help in state mental hospital. Get out in say two years tops. No criminal record or probation.

If a man this this no one would have an ounce of pity for him. Everyone would be making crude remarks about sending him to prison with a target pinned to his butt and let him entertain his new owner, Bubba!

Not much is going to happen to her as we all know.

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