Guy friends rule

Very nice to see this. Article here. Excerpt:

'Ours is a world where female friendships are celebrated by Oprah and the Traveling Pants and bestsellers like "The Girls From Ames." ... But friendships between straight men and women wind up mangled by clichéd claptrap like "The Ugly Truth." Men are only interested in spreading their seed! Women are uptight prisses! And the only thing to do, of course, is to fall hopelessly in love.

Frankly, I'm a little fed up with it. Some of the deepest, sweetest, most enduring friendships of my life have been with males. Men I went to college with, men I've toiled in crappy jobs with, men who stuck around long after I lost touch with the ex-girlfriends who introduced us. ...Why do straight men so rarely get props for being good buddies?
A few months ago, when I was going through a simultaneous health, personal and career crisis, my girlfriends offered comfort and support. My guys, on the other hand, offered welcome respite from the comfort and support. They didn’t ask questions. They didn’t pity me. They took me out for BLTs and horror movies and burned me Lil Wayne mixes. They pried me for the details of my business negotiations and insisted I demand more. They emboldened me in a way that was very different from the care I got from women. They were as generous and loving as my girlfriends, in their uniquely, endearingly male ways.'

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Albeit male-friendly, the article is still about support for women--in mixed-sex friendships. I'd love to see an article by a man on the comaraderie, sacrifice and depth of man-to-man friendships.

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Hunchback is right. Even when women are trying to speak in support of men then are really talking about themselves. Even out aligns, although anti feminist, really still only want to use men in a different way. We are alone in this and that's the way we have to proceed.

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I've always believed the majority of women do in fact like men. Its the minority who embrace feminist propaganda and subsequently develop animosity towards men. Unfortunately many women aren't even aware they've been infected with feminism.

Christina Hoff Sommers:

"Feminists have declared war on men without realizing they've also declared war on the women who respect them"

Actually some feminists do like men. They love self loathing castrated man slaves. These men are useless. They've been manipulated in believing traditional masculinity is some kind of dysfunction. I wonder if these men sit or stand while urinating?

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I'm glad that M.E. Williams is sticking up for guys here, and dispelling the horrid stereotype that we're just ogres with insatiable sexual appetites. (Personally, I've never even HAD a sexual appetite.) But there are some other stereotypes she does seem to perpetuate. I'd be happy to be her platonic friend, but sometimes that friendship would include confiding in each other. I don't understand her idea that being a male means you don't have to worry about talking about your feelings. That's a huge part of friendship, not just "girl" friendships.

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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