The female discount for sexual predators

Article here. Excerpt:

'Reported sex offenses by women increased tenfold from the '80s to the '90s, yet their prison time remains but a fraction of what men receive. A Kansas State professor found that, on average, male teachers faced up to 20 years in prison for sex abuse, while female teachers were handed probation, house arrest or a maximum of three years of jail time.

That's because the public—and judges—still can't imagine women as sexually aggressive.

"The speculation is that people are less likely to see the woman as a predator," says Vanderbilt law and psychology professor Chris Slobogin. "Also, there is perhaps the sexist assumption that boys who tend to be the victims of women aren't really victims, but in fact consented to the act and enjoyed it."'

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Why do we never hear that a girl willingly consented? I've seen young girls pursue men with a passion, then when caught they pretend to be innocent for fear of being seen as a slut, leaving the poor guy holding his man-hood.

Let Equality flourish, the chips fall where they may.

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I personally know females who when they were young teens would pursue men in their 30's as acts of rebellion and to get drugs and alcohol, concert tickets, free transportation, chance to play grown up... that they desired. These girls are now women and they brag about how wild they were in their youth and how THEY USED MEN for the things they wanted. They are not victims of anything, they were sophisticated in their actions and their actions were goal oriented and the men were just pawns to achieve the goals these girls desired.

Personally, I am against automatic assumption of victimhood based on age under the law. While perhaps there should be some age of consent laws, the laws should allow for extremely minimal consequences based on motives, mental maturity, and cases where the younger party was in fact using the older party for some goal and sex was merely a tool used for that purpose. Sure the adult should know better, and should have avoided the situation, but really in cases like that both parties are equally used and there is in fact little to no 'power imbalance' because both parties are engaging in manipulation of the other.

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