Family court injustices to men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Did you know that a family court can order a man to reimburse the government for the welfare money, falsely labeled "child support," that was paid to the mother of a child to whom he is not related? Did you know that, if he doesn't pay, a judge can sentence him to debtor's prison without ever letting him have a jury trial?

Did you know that debtor's prisons (putting men in prison because they can't pay a debt) were abolished in the United States before we abolished slavery, but that they exist today to punish men who are too poor to pay what is falsely called "child support"?
This system is morally and constitutionally wrong, yet all the authorities say the court orders were lawful.

Another type of feminist indignity is the use in divorce cases of false allegations of child sexual abuse in order to gain child custody and the financial windfall that goes with it. Former Vancouver, Wash., police officer Ray Spencer has spent nearly 20 years in prison after being convicted of molesting his two children who are now adults and say it never happened.'

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Schafly is one of the conservatives I actually like, at least when she speaks on feminism and injustices to men.

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Good article. But, men in this country have been denied their constitutional rights since george bush the 1st signed them away in an administrative order. They have never been reinstated. Actually we have lost more since then. It seems more women are getting worried. The handwriting is on the wall. There is only one way for our current system to take us, and that is down. Let us hope that we don't receive "equality" due to oppression to all.
A simple request. To be able to live our lives with dignity, self governed, no more slavery of any kind including wage slavery. It seems we can't trust anyone else to take care of us anymore so the logical solution would be to take care of our selves. We need to cut out the middle people across the board. Imagine the excess that we would have if we removed all of the unecessary jobs (that usually come with lavish wages)and not to worry about finding jobs for those people, there will be plenty of work for everyone. The only problem is we wouldn't have to work so many hours to survive any more so we would have to learn how to interact with our families again. To be a true citizen, to be able to live our lives with dignity and respect; instead of this psuedo semblence of "freedom" that we suffer under. No more screw them ways of doing business or interacting. Majority rule. Every person that is of legal age that isn't deemed incapable should have a valid vote in the laws that we all live under. No more special interest considerations as the most "special interest" that our government should have is the majority. Perhaps some day this country will rise to a point whereby not only will we the inhabitants be proud of what we have become, but the world at large will look at us with pride as well. As it is now my pride for this country is drowned by my disgust. Have a good day!

David A. DeLong

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I have been marveling of late at the number of people who are "middle men" in our culture. It is remarkable. They do nothing. They take a percentage of the work of those who actually do something. One example is real estate where in order to sell a house you need to jump through a long and expensive series of hoops of people who give you expensive "papers" that you need in order to sell. Then there are all of many government taxes, then the real estate agents who take their 3-6% and then at closing you are picked over again by the banking indsustry who come and pick the carcass for their percentage. Then there are the lawyers who get their percentage by making it safe for others to pick the carcass. I think we are moving towards a fall.

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