Children Recant Sex-Abuse Tales After Father's 20-Year Prison Stint

Story here. Excerpt:

'VANCOUVER, Wash. — Former Vancouver police officer Clyde Ray Spencer spent nearly 20 years in prison after he was convicted of sexually molesting his son and daughter. Now, the children say it never happened.

Matthew Spencer and Kathryn Tetz, who live in Sacramento, Calif., each took the stand Friday in Clark County Superior Court to clear their father's name, The Columbian newspaper reported.

Matthew, now 33, was 9 years old at the time. He told a judge he made the allegation after months of insistent questioning by now-retired Clark County sheriff's detective Sharon Krause just so she would leave him alone.
Spencer's sentence was commuted by then-Gov. Gary Locke in 2004 after questions arose about his conviction. Among other problems, prosecutors withheld medical exams that showed no evidence of abuse, even though Krause claimed the abuse was repeated and violent.'

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When we have so many travesties of "justice" coming to light one wonders why we don't have people marching in the streets to correct things. Massive work shut downs, work place espionage, in other words we should throw a monkey wrench in the gears that grind us down. With so much corruption within our government, from the city level all the way up to the federal level, why are we trying to preserve this system? It boggles my mind how some can think that if they lay low enough it won't happen to them. It will, and it already has. We exist under a corrupt system that has been corrupt since its' inception. If we do not seek massive change we are only preserving the status quo. To preserve the status quo only makes sense for those that sit at the top of the pyramid. Other wise we are preserving a sytem that discounts us as human beings, and enslaves us. Capitalism was invented to motivate the slaves. The ones that created the system were at the top, and they still are, generation after generation.

David A. DeLong

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