Essay: Why most men tolerate feminist misandry

Why most men tolerate feminist misandry
by Jeffrey Asher
7th July 2009

Over twelve years of teaching "Men’s Lives," I also wondered why majority-male legislatures, judiciaries and mainstream media editors, capitulated to and enforced feminist politics and jurisprudence.

Above all, men are powerfully driven by sexual attraction to women. Men easily rationalize their sexual need for women as based in intellectual and moral equality.

Male protection of women and children - at the risk of men’s safety and lives - over millennia of social evolution, allowed our species to survive. I suspect that imperative is as integral to male brains and hormones, as the need for and care of children is integral to women.

Men in power did not accede to feminists because of sexual opportunism alone – women remain second to one in that category. When feminists – confused as representing women – called out to men for ‘equality,’ men entrenched quotas and feminist jurisprudence. A man shamed by a woman promptly takes corrective action, to ‘act like a Man’.

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    Donna Laframboise in "The Princess at the Window," observed that in the feminist movement, the lunatic fringe had taken over the mainstream.

Any social movement without significant opposition soon becomes radicalized. Hence, the French Revolution devolved into the Terror. The only wonder is that feminism is not even more radical given the decades of only minor competition.

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In America today, gender relations have gotten so far out of whack, so strangely contorted, so seriously anti-male, so unquestionably inequitable, that it has now become relatively easy to make a fact-based case for the evils of feminism. It is now necessary for men to overcome their training, to stand up for both themselves and for other men, to stop acting with chivalry, to stop being manipulated by women. Men need to reconnect with their sense of honor and justice, and this can then allow them to fight the fight that needs to be fought. Gender relations are getting more and more contorted, and out of whack, as time goes on, and all that new evidence will only further support our cause. Onward with the men's rights movement. Go with the flow, use the flow, know that the truth and the evidence is behind both us and the movement.

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Above all, men are powerfully driven by sexual attraction to women.

Anti-male claptrap. Hasta La Vista right wing misandrist.

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Male protection of women and children - at the risk of men’s safety and lives - over millennia of social evolution, allowed our species to survive.

I feel this is obsolete in today's world.

A German Shepard can do the job better and cheaper.

Just kidding!

The above cite about protecting women and children is misandric horsesh*t!

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It IS misandric horsesh[t but unintentionally. Unfortunately, there are certain MRAs who believe that everything is hardwired except homosexuality. Males (and females) have been trained at such a young age that it seems innate.

To get a real sense of female manipulation, read the sci-fi book Grass by Sheri Tepper, a radfem. Read it as an allegory of male/female relations.

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The article is well meant. However, to ascribe everything to men's powerful sexual drive is not the whole story. I am not even sure that our drive is just sexual. Rather I see it as a powerful need for women. This need transcend the sexual. I read that this need is just a craving we have for women's approval which has been inculcated into us. May be this is so but I don't know. Whatever the forces at work here there is more than just the need for sex. That need in itself is complicated. We don't discuss it much but I would argue that most of it is a need for acceptance and a desire to give rather than to receive pleasure.

Those who say it is a cliché and a feminist stereotyping to characterize men as beasts driven an almost uncontrollable desire for sex are I think correct. We don't say this much but sex for a man is in fact not all that satisfying. Women want to think that it is like going to heaven many times over. Well that's just their arrogance. Sex is OK but not life changing or in the end that much of a high. Truth to say women get more out of sex than men do.

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Once upon a time it meant something important to be a warrior. Warriors needed chivalry so that the rest of society would not fear them. But things have changed. The world is ruled by cowardly men who hide their cowardice behind a cloak of ritualized chivalry. They are not chivalrous out of deference for ones who are weaker because they themselves are weak. They are not chivalrous in order to protect those who need protection because they can't offer protection. They aren't chivalrous because they respect women as equals but because they have to rely on sexism to make themselves feel superior. The world today isn't ruled by men who earned their keep, but by men who manipulate little pieces of paper and pretend to be something that they are not. The only thing that they can ever offer to women is their own weakness and that's what feminists thrive on. And as long as cowardly men rule the world and as long as women aren't taught to know the difference, real men will be mocked, emasculated, and made to suffer the whims of impetuous girls.

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I completely agree, I'm sure there are times when my wife and argue that she is sure that if she were to get sick of this crap, she could just leave and she would be fine. There would be feminist groups to back her financially and legally until they could get a substantilly unfair settlement. Then all the nasty tricks she would have time to pull (because I would be at work unsuspecting). a man where I Used to work went to his brothers funeral, and told me this when he got back. His wife simply decided that she wanted to be with somone else she still did all those things and then ridiculed and berated about not being "man enough" to keep her then the whole town joined in the laughter. Then after being completly humiliated, demeaned, and left in finacial ruin with little or no means to take care himself,and no means to go to work to futilly try to pay the emense settlement and lawyers fees(vehicles taken in divorce no money for bus or cab, because he was left with one sixth of the amount that was needed for food and any type of dwelling.) His wife's lawyers saw a POTENTIAL loop hole that would POSSIBLY allow him to not report a certain type income. So they took him back to court, at his expence, to close the loop hole. then he gets another letter saying he's got to back to court because she found out that she could get more money from him. Knowing how impossible it was for him to pay this coupled with the fact that he was undoubtedly going to lose his job, because of absence already accumulated for court and then more absence for inability to show-up, then he would go to jail and be portrayed to his children as a "deadbeat dad for inability to pay his settlement, and being completely berated humiliated and destroyed, wich would continue for the rest of his life he opted for suicide.
as the final insult to everything this caring father and devoted person was. The ex-wife comes to the funeral sreaming what a coward he was for taking the easy way out

I`m not saying that I`m paranoid about my wife, but there`s nothing to stop this from happening to me

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Men tolerate misandry because most of them are to gutless to confront women. They snivel and beg for women's attention and follow whatever orders they give them. There is little hope of fighting feminism all the while men play by feminist rules.

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It seems to me that society still depends very much on men being willing to put their lives and health at risk for the protection of women and children. Just look at who is most likely to take on the most dangerous civilian jobs and to be killed or seriously injured on the job. Look at the all-male draft registration law and the fact that it is young men who overwhelmingly make up those killed or seriously injured in the most hazardous military jobs. Look at the great proportion of male law enforcement, security, and firefighting personnel who are killed on the job or suffer disabling injuries. I don't think German shepherds could do those jobs. Men also are more likely than women to work full-time outside the home and to live away from their children. Men's health risks in terms of disease are generally greater than women's too. Let's be realistic about the ways in which men are at greater risk so that women can live longer and more comfortable lives.

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The real reason is that most men are busy working on careers, supporting families and getting drunk. They tend to be lazy cowards (as are women), so they go with the flow. It makes sense on an individual level, but is not good for men as a group.

"If you want your marriage to last for a long time, just do what your wife says." LMAO!! If I had to do whatever my wife says, why would I want my marriage to last???

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