UK: 'Men are redundant, but let's keep them anyway'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The "Crisis of Masculinity", as it's often termed, has been brewing a long while. My old boss at GQ, Michael VerMeulen, used to say in the 1990s that the ascent of women meant that men only had two choices, "playboy or drone". But soon even those options were closed: in 2003, after reading Y: The Descent of Men, by the Telegraph science writer Steve Jones, my husband told me mournfully that the crumbling Y chromosome meant his lot would be extinct in another couple of million years.

A few resilient Iron Johns kept beating their chests, sneering at metrosexuals and rushing into the wilderness to wrestle bears. And things started to look up after The Dangerous Book for Boys became a hit, and whittling sticks was once again acknowledged as a useful male activity. But the announcement that British scientists have discovered how to create human sperm from stem cells means it's official: men are redundant.'

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Wonder if it'll get posted.. anyway, at least I know it'll get read up here on MANN. :)

"She's right, we are utterly redundant. Of course, women are, too. Within our lifetimes babies will be producible without either a uterus or sperm produced by a male. In fact within 500 years (or less) we will have invented androids indistinguishable from humans but that are many 1,000s of times "better" than humans (stronger, smarter, etc.). Soon the entire human race will be utterly "redundant". We will have created not just our replacements and/or our masters, but we will have created our own means of destruction ("Battlestar Galactica", anyone?)

Mrs. Pelling should take some time to read Immanuel Kant's ( writings regarding the notion that men (ie, human beings) are ends unto themselves and require no justification for claims of rights other than that. She should also bear in mind that he was a notorious sexist as well, viewing women as necessary evils and wholly incapable of understanding higher philosophical thought or of being any significant "use" to men other than sexually and for reproduction. Then, she should look in the mirror and ask herself what she sees there: A woman with an ironic sense of humor or the female reincarnation of Immanuel Kant? I suppose I wonder, too."

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heard it all before. Most of the claims about men/maleness are a load of bull anyway. One day I might obtain all these articles (which are conveniently archived on this site) and show the world how misandric these media outlets really are.

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Whether true or not the real lesson of this sort of thinking is that men should only live for themselves. Yes let's just live as if we where the last men. Make women the irrelevance they are.

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Thanks for keeping us around. Maybe in his next article he can enlighten us on how we can become less redundant. I'm always looking for away to assimilate to a feminized society.

My pledge to author -- I will try harder!

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It would not be advantageous to the human race to do away with males. Males make up the vast majority of the most brilliant scientists and mathematicians. We need the most brilliant scientists and mathematicians to advance society further.

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