Author Blames Steve McNair

Article here. Excerpt:

'In April, 2008 Steve McNair retired after 13 years playing in the NFL. His press conference statements portray a very different man than the one found shot to death yesterday. Or did he actually predict what would happen?
This married father of four and pillar of the community clearly couldn't hold it in – his pants. Like so many men in power, he used that power with the young women and probably thought he could do anything he wanted.
Perhaps he should have thought about his four young children before he started chasing young women. At least we now are clear about what he wanted to do personally in life that he couldn't do during football season. He continued to make passes, just not on the football field.
May we all see the wisdom in McNair's statement about taking things for granted and do our best to appreciate the bounty that surrounds us and the precious impermanence of life. And may all beings live with an integrity that allows them to be fully who they know themselves to be without harming others.'

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Unbelievable crap from a so-called journalist. I have to say though, that it doesn't surprise me-as soon as i saw McNair had (probably) been killed by his mistress, i knew there would be guys like this Sieden crawling out from under their rocks to blame the victim. Why? because the victim was a male that's why!

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