Teen Told He Can't Play Field Hockey

Story here. Excerpt:

'The teenager said the athletic director went on to tell him that he was concerned about the safety of the girls if boys were allowed to play, and that Levine might take away playing time from the girls, which would make parents jealous.

"He brought up Title IX and said that Title IX does not entitle boys to the same rights it gives girls," Levine said of the conversation. "He said if it was a girl wanting to play football he'd have to let her, but because I'm a boy wanting to play field hockey, he's not gonna let me."

Title IX is a law enacted in 1972 that states, "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
Levine's mother, Scheryl, told CBS 21 News that her son is a victim of "blatant sexual discrimination."'

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Sounds like the law is gender neutral to me.


Make misandry expensive!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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If their so concerned with safety, girls shouldn't be allowed to play on boys teams. Never mind, it doesn't work that way. Title IX has nothing to do with equality, its a law implemented to give girls advantages over boys.

Could you imagine if the boy brought his case to the Supreme Court? He'd have no chance.

Sotomayor would tell him to fuck off.

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I'm having some trouble following the principal's logic. He says that these teams have set rosters, and a boy could take the place of a girls. It doesn't make any sense. Don't all teams have set rosters?

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