CNN: Why marrying for money isn't a bad idea

Article here. Excerpt:

'There's a new book out called "Smart Girls Marry Money: How Women Have Been Duped Into the Romantic Dream -- And How They Are Paying For It," by Elizabeth Ford and Daniela Drake.

Forget for a moment that they annoyingly refer to grown women as "girls" in their title and check out their thesis: because, for a variety of reasons, men earn more money than women, it's a wise move to marry someone who can provide for you and your family.

I haven't read the book, so I have no idea if it is filled with sexist swill or not. But just reading Newsweek's article about the book, it sounds like pretty sensible advice to me.

Before you get upset, I will acknowledge a bunch of things that I know to be true: yes, women earn less than men for a lot of sexist reasons and that discrimination must stop. Yes, mothers get "mommy-tracked" and their careers are stalled. And of course there are all kinds of misfires to the "marry rich" idea, such as the rich guy who is an a-hole. But that doesn't change the fact that marrying a man with money can be a better idea than marrying someone who is broke.'

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What's in it for the man with money, aside from that which is readily available without marriage? For that matter, what's in it for men in general? We know what's in it for women, we are told often enough. Maybe men had better start asking what unique benefits (if any) they get out of marriage. If the answer turns out to be "None", act accordingly.

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Look women have always married for money. This may have been no more than a desire to find someone to support them while they are having their children, or she many be just an out and out gold digger. No matter what the exact circumstances the truth is she married for money.

By the way men should know that marriage is not the beginning of a man's sex life it is the end of it!

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