Researcher Says Women's Initiation of Domestic Violence Predicts Risk to Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'How can we prevent Intimate Partner Violence and injury to women? IPV researcher Deborah Capaldi, Ph.D., a social scientist at the Oregon Social Learning Center, finds that the best way for women to be safe is to not initiate violence against their male partners. According to Dr. Capaldi, "The question of initiation of violence is a crucial one... much IPV is mutual, and initiations -- even that seem minor -- may lead to escalation."

Dr. Capaldi recently presented her work at "From Ideology to Inclusion 2009: New Directions in Domestic Violence Research and Intervention," an IPV conference in Los Angeles June 26-28. While studies have consistently found that women initiate as much violence against their male partners as vice versa, two-thirds of domestic violence injuries are suffered by women.'

Basically, don't pick fights with others if you don't want to get beat up yourself. Oh yeah, that's a rule only for men as it pertains to men.... silly me!

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When a boy is growing up, he learns that you don't pick fights with someone that outweighs you and is stronger and faster than you. Doing so will surely get your ass kicked. Common sense tells a boy - just don't do it.

Girls are apparently "different". They never get these lessons or have this insight.
So they think they can just come up a smack a guy with no repercussions or accountability.
Simple reflexes will generally have the man popping her one in return for her violence. Not premeditated, but simple reflex. Yes, he is stronger. And yes, she can get hurt this way.

So, you have two parties. One with common sense, and one without. The one without happens to be the female. And also happens to be the initiator of domestic violence.

N.O.W. swears that women are "no different than men". Yet they seem to lack this common sense piece. Either NOW is wrong, or women deserve exactly what they get when they initiate violence.

oregon dad

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