MIT feminists mad that Nobel laureate denied female hire
Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2006-07-15 15:58
One of the most brilliant neuro-scientists in the world denied a female a job position in his research efforts and 11 gender feminists blast him and produce media condemning this man. Yet, six MIT faculty who WORK WITH him, including two women, wrote in favor of his decision. Apparently, men can not pick who they want to mentor if a female applicant applies for the job. Feminist bias is so apparent on high level issues, yet the same feminist deny bias in secondary education. Story here.
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A Peek Through the Keyhole into the Ivory Jungle!
"We have damaged MIT's reputation as an institution that supports academic fairness for young faculty and jeopardized our ability to attract the best scientists to MIT," wrote the 11 professors, all women, and most involved in MIT committees on gender equity issues. Several of the professors could not be reached and one declined to comment."
Well, if you ever held the illusion that higher academia is a tranquil, ethical, lofty place where the best and brightest dedicate their lives to scholarship...
this article ought to dispel any such notions.
The one thing the Feminist-Gulag cannot abide is a heterosexual male with ambition and the chops to dismiss them.
(The MIT science geek has brought in over $50 million to the university. Compare that to the drain of resources that Womyn's Studies sucks away every year with no meaningful advances in scholarship, let alone actual science.)
To be told bluntly that "you're not wanted on my team," is like not being invited to the Prom, only much worse.
"How DARE he!!!"
Shades of Larry Summers, redux.
Yeah, we are men. So we have
Yeah, we are men. So we have no right to say "NO". And for us, No will never mean no.
Men's Rights NOW!!
What is the Big Deal?
This type of competitive blocking happens ALL THE TIME in the world of business - which is predominantly lead by brilliant, clever, shrewd, men. Any perceived "threat" (whether real or not) is not going to be well received during a job interview or evaluation. Kingdoms exist. Everybody that is out of school and working in business and/or technology understands this.
Best thing for her is to go some place else and do as well as she can. Playing the gender card only hurts her...at MIT and likely elsewhere.
Welcome to the real world.
oregon dad
Some one needs to tell those 11 women faculty members that...
...the "best scientists" are almost exclusively men so turning down a female nuroscientist will have absolutely no effect whatsoever on attracting the best.
While they are at it, some one should also tell these 11 women that they have their jobs because they have vaginas and there is a quota that needs to be met and that a man should be in their position. But that would be to honest.