Forest Knolls woman heads effort to stop circumcision

Story here. Excerpt:

'Marilyn Milos, 69, of Forest Knolls was a nurse at Marin General Hospital in 1979 when she witnessed her first circumcision. The experience changed her life. After researching the procedure, she became convinced it was not only unnecessary but harmful. She says she was later fired from her job for sharing her opinions with patients and has spent the last 30 years crusading against circumcision as founder of the nonprofit National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers.

Q: What do you remember about that first circumcision?

A: As we walked into the nursery, the baby was strapped down to a plastic board. I called it "the rack" when I worked there. The baby was pulling against the restraints. Then the doctor started to cut and that baby let out a scream I've never heard come out of the mouth of a human, ever, and it became louder and louder. My bottom chin began to quiver and then tears poured over my eyes, and the doctor looked at my face and said, "There is no medical reason for doing this."'

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that has no room in civilized 21st century culture.

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Needless to say, if it was baby girls being treated that way society would be up in arms.

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If circumcisions were being routinely committed against American female infants, they would already be outlawed as inhuman. Once again, constitutionally established "equal protection under law" fails misandristly.

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Funny how women want to control everything right down to the way our penis looks from our birth.

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I understand the anger towards circumcision, but blaming women for circumcision is really lame and a far stretch.

From my perspective many dad's choose circumcision for their sons and it is usually performed by male doctors (here in the US). Even the pro-circumcision news articles seem to be written by men.

I bet if you were to research the history of circumcision, you would find that it was perpetuated by men as men were the religious leaders.

I don't know any female that is pro-circumcision, infact, all females I have ever spoken to about it see it as a 'male issue' and don't have a strong opinion and know very little about it (that itself should change as BOTH genders should be informed and angry about it).

Hats off to Marilyn Milos for speaking up!

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Kris may have hit on a truth that goes a little deeper. It may be that women are destructive as far as men are concerned. However, their destruction pales in comparison with the destructive way they treat others. The worst feminist are of course men.

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I have always felt and have expressed the opinion that MALES are their own worst enemy when defining their societal rights and responsibilities. If it were not for self-loathing males trying to get laid the problem with misandry in Western society would be manageable and soon eliminated.

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I doubt any woman wants to see her baby boy hurt. I don't see any malicious intent. The majority of parents don't know any better and think circumcision is beneficial. Eventually the truth will catch on.

Unfortunately, I don't see circumcision ever becoming illegal because it would infuriate certain religious groups. Some might see it as an attack against their theology.

The solution is simple. Let the boy decide when he's 18. Give him the choice whether he feels its medically beneficial or a necessity because of his religious beliefs. At the very least, he'd have the dignity of anesthesia -- something they can't give newborns.

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Yes Luek put it far better than I did. If men did not grovel to women in the expectation of approval or physical satisfaction then much of men's problem and powerless state would disappear.

To be honest I see the root of the problem as being male sexuality which is such a powerful force within us, and that this force is in the end self destructive.

If I could have had one wish come true in my life then that undoubtedly would have been not to have sexual needs at all. It is for this reason I wish that our intellectual effort could be directed at finding ways of freeing men for something which in the end does him no good at all.

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