'Women actually do need men -- real men, that is'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Too many unemployed guys have stopped hunting for jobs. Too many fathers know the names of the attendants at the golf course, but not the names of their children’s friends.

Too many Casanovas want sex without commitment or the emotions that come with intimacy. And too many fellows brag about having a mistress and a wife or a “baby mommy and a bizzybody” as another popular song promotes. proclaims. These are not the actions of men. These are the behaviors of boys and “shawty don’t need no” boy.

At the risk of being scolded by my fellow women’s college alumnae, I will admit that I believe that the downgrading of manhood is a side-effect of feminism. Occasionally, women boast so loudly about being strong that they drown out men’s offers of support. Furthermore, my sisters, we have failed to help guys understand their roles in this new world of independent women.
A few women do rebuff assistance and gallant acts, but gentlemen, please continue to offer. There are plenty of women who may not technically need your help, but sure do welcome it. It is not a contradiction to be a millennial woman with traditional values.

The women in my circle are all accomplished, self-sufficient and well paid, yet they still blush at the first sign of chivalry. In fact, one of the cutest couples I know got together after the guy went out of his way to help my friend find her lost dog.'

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The 2x-standard/men-as-servants-to-women thing is unabashed and unflinching. The author wants made-to-order men who are happy to be her servants and little else.

And she wonders why men don't stick around.

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The more men show indifference to women and stop being their servants the better. Instinctively ( or may be we just learn it) men respond to women's needs by wanting to help. This should be resisted absolutely and on ever occasion. On a previous post I got a lot of flack by saying even if a woman was on fire I would not piss on her. If this sounds crude in the extreme then so be it. Men only have one natural enemy and they are the ones with the magic orifice. The sooner we learn to see them only as the threats and danders that they are the better.

I think sooner rather than later women will begin to find themselves in need of more help. They will discover that they are not so strong after all. When that happens rejoice and shun the bitches. No fate is too terrible for them

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This woman is deluded, but I'm sure there are millions of men who are big enough sucker's to still be servants to women. Women have sucessfully destoryed a whole generation of boys and young men, they have stood by and let feminism take hold and screw men and boys over, women have denegrated masculinity and fatherhood, women are a disgrace. Screw women. Why would any sane man care about what women think? Any man who still believes women are sweet innocent little princesses is living in a dream world. There is no hope for men if men don't see women for what they really are. It doesn't matter if you've known the woman for 1 year, 10 years or 30 years, when you've fufilled your purpose to her she will stab you in the back in the blink of an eye.

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Soon as i see the term "real man" i know someone is assuming im weak enough to do things their way lest i be accused of not being a "real" man. It's amusing coming from an actual man, coming from a woman its as hilarious as it is offensive. Get stuffed, madam.

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