Obama kicks off a national conversation on fatherhood

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Barack Obama will kick off a national conversation today about fatherhood, family, and mentoring with a series of events around DC and a gathering of young men for a discussion at the White House.

Obama, whose father abandoned him when he was two years old, also penned an essay for Parade magazine about his experiences as a dad. In that essay he talks about seeing fatherhood through his father's absence—he saw his father for the last time when he was 10 and only got to know him through letters and family lore.
“We need fathers to step up, to realize that their job does not end at conception; that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child but the courage to raise one,” he writes.'

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Go figure, while we live in a pay as you go society someone wants men in general to stand up even more, have no rights, no priveleges, just pay and give. Let's see, how has that worked so far? To top it all off the guilty person is a femamale! Presidential activity my ass!

David A. DeLong

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Obama has to be the most clueless jerk in the universe about the true legal and social status of men as a demographic group in Western society.

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What men must realize ( I don't think they do) is that having children is the biggest con and rip off going. I write as someone who has had two children who are now adults. I am not one who was divorced or expelled from the family as such. Indeed I lived with my wife and children for over 30 years. Yet despite this I still say having children is a con and a rip off. Why do I say this? The reason is this. Even if a man is not actually physically expelled from the family he is still put outside it emotionally. So although a man might remain within the family physically his wife and children will form together to produce an inner circle from which he is excluded. The wife will marshal the children so as to be her troops in repelling and controlling the man.

Looking back at my life I can see that this is what happened with my mother, and the process was repeated with my own family. It took me a long time to see this, and believe me I did not understand this for many years.

You see alienating the father is not just something that happens in divorce it is the natural way women will act.
I occasionally make the comment in my posts that all women are filth. That's how I see them, be it my mother who alienated my from my father of my wife who did the same with my children. Yes filth is putting it too high.

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trotter, you're right. More of us younger guys need to learn that and understand it. Too many men that are involved in the MRM still want to get married and have children. Why are they even invloved in men's rights issues? They essentially bitch and complain but then submit and conform, and then these same men wonder 20 years later why it is they feel cheated. For any hope of turning back feminism men need to forgo marriage and children. Stop feeding the system, the more, we as men, participate in it the more powerful it becomes.

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Obama talks about how Dads should be involved in their kids lives, but fails to mention his own complicity in driving dads from their kids lives through his support of radical feminism's misandrist agenda. Obama is a despicable hypocrite.

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Whatever else the Misandrist in Chief is he is no idiot, he knows the reason so many men fail to step up is because the courts, their wives and the culture in general wont allow them anywhere near the plate. But Obama's a bastard and thats how bastards roll, so i expect yet another spoiling of Father's Day by this, the world most powerful woman worshiper.

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Man on the Street, don't make such absurd generalizations, dude - it makes the feminists look smart by comparison.

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It is unusual Broadsword to for me to read someone agreeing with me. Your right so many in the MM want to return some sort of fantasy idea of happy families. They also think like MichealClayton that feminism is some sort of minority political movement which just happens to temporally gotten hold. Feminism is just the most most obvious expression of the female state. What has happened over the past 40 years could have happened at any time in history. The pressure pushing out was always there. It was just that the conditions where not right. As soon as they where then 'feminism' almost instantly moved in a swept everything away.

Can we do anything about it? Probably not. But even if we could with men like MichealClayton to rely on I fear the task is hopeless.

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a mangina feminist women worshipper "kicks off father's day".

the father's day cake of 40+ years of feminist entitlement and hatred

of everything male is topped off by letting this turd "explain" to

us how to be a man.

personally, i hate turd topping on any cake.

Happy Father's Day guys.

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Feminism tells women not to marry

Feminism tells women to abort their fetuses

Feminism tells women they MUST work and becoming a homemaker is doing a great injustice to 'womanhood.' Personal fulfillment is secondary.

Feminism tells women they're victims

Feminism tells women fathers are expendable

Feminism tells women they must become scientists and engineers to create 'parity' without giving any regard to their wants and needs.

This is my point: I don't want our movement taking choices away from men. I don't think we have the right to tell men what life decisions they should make. I say, let them get married if they want to. I don't want to become the very thing I'm fighting against.

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Anthony, I completely agree. Feminist are no friends to women that make tradional female choices and respect the female aspects of their bodies (embrace pregnancy, motherhood, etc.)

Feminist also tell women not to breastfeed their babies even though the health benefits have been proven, and to wait until their 30s or 40s to have children even though this increases the 'need' for fertility treatments or surrogates, and older moms have higher risks for birth defects.

Femininst are all about going against nature!

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