Dead Man's Sperm Gives Life, Not Benefits

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 10-year-old girl conceived from the frozen sperm of a dead man cannot receive his Social Security benefits, a federal appeals court ruled.

A panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday upheld a lower court's rejection of child survivor benefits for Brandalynn Vernoff, who was born nearly four years after her father's death in 1995.

The case involved sperm that Bruce Vernoff's widow, Gabriela, had a doctor extract after he died unexpectedly from an allergic reaction. In 1998, she used it for in vitro fertilization and gave birth to Brandalynn in a Los Angeles hospital on March 17, 1999.

Gabriela Vernoff later applied for child survivor benefits from the Social Security Administration but was rejected. A federal judge in Santa Ana also rejected her claims.'

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Social Security is broken for this very reason. Every year, to get more votes, pols added more and more "worthy recipients" to the SS Rolls. When it was flush with cash, it was worrisome, but no big deal.

Now that SS is getting the baby boomer deluge, it's exactly this reason it is broke.

During the 70's the SS Admin had a HUGE surplus, that they could have locked away and, I dunno, SAVED for older people for when they retired. But, hey, there were votes to be bought and "free money" to spend. So, here we are.

And we heard, from the early 80's on (that's 25+ years) how it would go broke. But no one wanted to say "no" to "poor little johnny" or "Wanda the welfare queen".

This girl (*or more likely her mom) want someone else to subsidize her life. The entitlement mentality of this country makes me sick. I have, in my 40 years, taken a grand total of MAYBE 12 weeks of unemployment.

Besides that it was simple - I didn't have the money, could not spend the money, and got a job because I WANTED the money and NEEDED the money.

SS is NOT for children. For widows whose husbands die, ok - all else - go suck lemons and deal with your lack of saving up for a rainy day,.

I save, every month, almost $1000 for my retirement. I hope I get my pension from the military, but am not counting on that either. More than likely, I'll work until I am unable.

Cut off the leeches and tell them to get a freaking JOB.


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