RADAR ALERT: Take 60 Seconds, Save the World from a VAWA Melt-Down!

Last month the UN issued its Study on Violence Against Women. The study recommends that every country around the world enact VAWA-like laws: http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/vaw.

Of course the UN feminists hoped the UN Third Committee would immediately “welcome” the Study so they could get on with the job. But thanks to your e-mails, phone calls, and faxes, the proposal has been delayed.

Now, time is running out – the UN Third Committee needs to reach a decision by this coming Wednesday, November 22. That’s the date when the committee wraps up its session.

So this is it folks! This is our last shot! Let’s not hold anything back!

Time is of the essence. So right now, please send an e-mail (usa-at-un.int) or fax (1-212-415-4443) to Ambassador Terry Miller, the US representative to the Third Committee. Politely explain that:

The Study on Violence against Women is deeply flawed. If the report is welcomed, its recommendations will cause lasting damage to families, women, and men. Please express your very strong reservations about this harmful study to the UN Third Committee. And vote to only “note” the report, but not to “welcome” it.

Or telephone UN Ambassador John Bolton directly at 1-202-736-7555. Remember to respectfully state your name, city, and state, along with your message.

The Secretary-General’s violence report is rooted in a radical gender ideology. If the report is welcomed and implemented, that will give rise to false allegations of abuse and violate the civil rights of men. This will ultimately cause profound damage to families and children around the world.

Date of RADAR Release: November 16, 2006

The UN Resolution Coalition, headed by RADAR, is an alliance of over 110 organizations located in 14 countries that have signed the Resolution Regarding the UN Study on Violence Against Women: http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/UN-ViolenceReport-Resolution.pdf.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to assure that the problem of domestic violence is treated in a balanced and effective manner. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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If anyone hasn't sent an email or FAX to the U.N. yet, here is a cut and paste. Just insert your info (XXXX). We all need to get behind issues that affect so many men and make sure our voice is heard. Thank you in advance for your emails.

To: Ambassador Terry Miller

From: XXXX XXXXXXXX (your name)

Date: November 16, 2006

Re: Secretary-General's study on violence against women

Dear Ambassador Miller:

The Study on Violence against Women is deeply flawed. The Secretary-General’s violence report is rooted in a radical gender ideology. If the report is welcomed and implemented, that will give rise to false allegations of abuse and violate the civil rights of men. If the report is welcomed, its recommendations will cause lasting damage to families, women, and men.

Please express your very strong reservations about this harmful study to the UN Third Committee. And vote to only "note" the report, but not to "welcome" it.


XXX XXXX (Your name)
XXXX XXXXX (Your address)
XXX XXX XXXX (Your phone #)

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What is the fax number, or how can I get it? Is it faxed directly to Miller's office?


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...e-mail usa@un.int or fax (1-212-415-4443) to Ambassador Terry Miller, the US representative to the Third Committee.

Thank You

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I've already sent them a email. VAWA is ridiculous and very one-sided sexistic.

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I sent in my e-mail Tuesday.

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