U.K. Male teachers has plummeted to an all-time low

Story here. Excerpt:

'The number of male teachers has plummeted to an all-time low, threatening a classroom discipline crisis as a generation of boys misses out on authority role models.

There are fears men are being scared away by the fear of false child abuse allegations while others are thought to be put off by the absence of male companionship in primary schools.'

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The article is a bit unfocused and spends far to much time making excuses and justifying the current problem.

But most of the reader comments are straight forward and nail the issues right on the head.

In a nut shell, the costs and risks of becoming a teacher if one happens to be male drastically outweigh the benefits the career has to offer to males.

Woman do not face the same risks or costs. As the comments mention, most women teachers have working husbands who make more then them. This is not the case for males. Since it is rare for a woman to be interested in a man who earns the same or less then she does, male teachers are unlikely to find a female partner who will take on the role of primary bread winner so that he can follow his passion despite a low income.

Despite being responsible for most sexually inappropriate behavior in schools between staff and students female teachers are rarely charged and if they are do not face the same consequences.

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You say, "Despite being responsible for most sexually inappropriate behavior in schools between staff and students female teachers are rarely charged.."

Can you provide us with a source of statistics for this, i.e. women being the most frequent perpetrators? On the face of it, I can see where someone would have doubts about the statement's validity..unless you are simply saying, that it is true due to the fact that most teachers are women!


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