'Chivalry is Dead, Male Chauvinism is Alive and Well'

Article here. Excerpt:

'There was a time in our country when a woman had gallant men riding in to defend her honor. Since the failed feminist movement has destroyed these pedestals of virtue and reduced women to nothing more than dim reflections of the boorish men they seek to emulate, it is no surprise that chivalry has experienced societal obsolescence.
Men have denigrated women to the point where two men think that their anatomy is the equivalent of a woman's and choose that option to the real thing because women, in their eyes, are not worthy of intimacy. Two percent of the population, claiming to be the victims of societal victimization, are the ones who have the power to punish women, like Carrie Prejean, who express a different opinion.'

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... she comes right out of the gate and stays at it til the finish line!

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She sounds like she's straight out of the conservative-feminist anti-porn alliance, which I despise as much as gender feminism. I am of the exact opposite camp.

Hugh Heffner a "misogynist"? Bullshit.

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The harpies are carryinng on with the Andrea Dworkin BS.

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" There was a time in our country when a woman had gallant men riding in to defend her honor. Since the failed feminist movement has destroyed these pedestals of virtue and reduced women to nothing more than dim reflections of the boorish men they seek to emulate, it is no surprise that chivalry has experienced societal obsolescence."

" Since the failed feminist movement has destroyed these pedestals of virtue"

(AHEM) feminists called all men evil but, THEY DID THIS!?

" reduced women to nothing more than dim reflections of the boorish men they seek to emulate, it is no surprise that chivalry has experienced societal obsolescence."

So feminists ( who have become like the men they claimed to have existed, and hated ,did this too?

" Otherwise, we would be seeing the husbands, brothers, fathers, and sons of dishonored women rising up in righteous indignation, and just pure justified anger, at the way their wives, sisters, daughters and mothers are being treated by the current crop of cads. "

I knew it was coming! A (severely outdated) feminist BULLSHIT shaming tactic.

I don't need to read the rest of her misandric/hypocritic drool.
If Hugh Hefner were a misogynist, he wouldn't have created Playboy magazine, which has allowed WILLING women a way to show off their bodies. I don't think there is one woman who posed in his magazine, who would agree with this hag.

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If chivalry were dead, it would be the fault of feminism. Does anyone remember these two words; "sexual harassment"? Yes, these two PC words killed alot of chivalry but, not all of it. Remember the Tennessee judge who overturned the jury's verdict in Mary Winkler's murder trial? Chivalry dead? HAH!

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First, chivalry and chauvinism are flip sides of the same coin. Good riddance to both.

Having said that, traditionalist fems and radical fems BOTH want female dominance and male sacrifice on their behalf. One MRA compared them to two slavemasters debating whip techniques.

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Except for my family, I honestly don't feel any obligation to defend women any more than a male friend, actually less since it seems most women "friends" only stand up for something that places them as victim of something and gives them attention.

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