'Celebrate National Man Day?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A pair of Indiana brothers, Joel and Aaron Longanecker, have convinced more than a quarter-million males to promise to "stand up and do manly things" on June 15 in observance of their proposed new holiday -- National Man Day.

Their National Man Day page on Facebook urges men across the country to take time to get in touch with their masculine sides on Monday. Suggested activities include playing football, camping, hunting, eating 18-ounce steaks, blowing things up, shooting guns, punching each other for no reason, pumping some iron or "watching every Rambo movie from beginning to end. Straight through!"

The purpose of the proposed holiday, according to the National Man Day page, is to acknowledge that the time has arrived "to take back the crown of masculinity."

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A "real" man would become actively involved in affirming men's rights as human beings in a supposedly civilized society.

A "real" man would recognize the gross discrimination men suffer from the corrupt family court system.

There are many other things a "real" man needs to do and be informed about but you get the idea.

However, the National Man Day idea is a good one but the way they are going about it is stupid and effeminate in the extreme. I bet they even voted for Biden/Obama!

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wife said her husband was a real man and he "hated" anything
associated with men's issues on the web. she was on a mild rant that clearly
showed her lack of respect for our cause.

got me to thinking.

why would a man "hate" men (and some few women) trying to help men,
in so many areas? just doesn't add up ....unless, maybe this is the sort of guy,
married w/ kids, whupped, and has no real say in what goes on w/ the family.
he probably knows it, or maybe he doesn't believe it, yet.
we all know these guys. they live in femworld and aren't allowed out of
her box to play, so to speak, w/ the boys. or if he is allowed to have
male friends, they aren't guys like you encounter on sites like this one.
they are like him, living in a world made for her, and her kids. she holds all the

i don't know if this is the answer to my query. hating MRA's for trying to get him more
rights w/ his children, and in his marriage, just makes no sense.

or maybe he just said that to appease her. i could believe that.

anyway, maybe this sort of bravado antics here is just some guy's way of trying to be
as complete a man as possible while still having to remain in servitude to a woman.
feminists want all women to believe we are the enemy, and most of them do.

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These guys are fools who, being male fools, seem to think being manly is doing foolish things. We need this kind of male moron as much as we need feminists.

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the thing about 'shooting guns' is a particularly bad idea.

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This kind of macho man just got a glimpse of the Fematrix and realizes he was raised (bred?) to sacrifice his happiness for women. He is in denial and desperately looking for a blue pill. The MRM only has red ones.

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Perhaps this is one of those times where a good idea is taken over by the majority and put to good use? Having a national, oh hell, why not global Man Day to celibrate the contribution of the Male to society? Perhaps a global Equal Rights Day to glorify just that, equality under the law for all. But, then again it makes a difference who makes the laws as well. I would settle for an equal rights day, until then everything else is just a diversion.

David A. DeLong

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