Dear Abby: Mom blowing child support on boyfriends

Article here. Excerpt:

'Dear Abby: My sister has five children, all younger than 18. She has full custody and receives child support every month from her ex-husband.

The problem is, she has been spending that money on her boyfriends instead of her children. Because of it, they have been homeless twice, and it may happen again.

The only person in that household with a steady job is the oldest, but he can't support all of them by himself. How can I make my sister see how irresponsible and immature she is?

Dear Alarmed Auntie: Your sister's behavior is not only irresponsible, but also detrimental to the welfare of her children. If it's possible, contact their father and let him know what has been going on. Also contact Child Protective Services because although foster care is not ideal, it would be better than what's going on.'

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This situation is extremely common.

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Notice the misandric old bat uses words like "irresponsible" and "detrimental" but never "an outrage" or "crime against children" and "deadbeat" like she would be saying if the father were to be behind on sending the damned money in?

The courts should ONLY be concerned that the bare minimum to support the brats is coming in. Anything else should be worked out between the parents after all they created them not the state! It isn't the state's responsibility to raise children.

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The solution offered is interesting - "...foster care is not ideal, it would be better than what's going on.'". Allowing the father to take custody doesn't seem to be mentioned in there. Wonder why?

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to this feminist, and the courts,
foster care is the FIRST choice.

and even if the children did eventually wind up
in the custody of the father, as sane people
(if any still exist in this feminized society)
would expect, he would most certainly NOT be awarded
any significant c.s., after spending any $$$ he was able
to raise on scumbags (lawyers). with the mother always
just one free lawyer away from sole custody again.

1. equality under the law

2. best interests of the children

3. blind justice

4. honor

5. fairness

6. truth

0 for 6 here. typical.

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On a previous posting, she got a letter from a woman who admitted to marrying her husband for security, has sex with him less often than the definition of a sexless marriage, is ashamed to show herself to him, and they've had 4 children together. Abby's suggestion: "My advice is to talk to your husband about making another kind of arrangement -- one in which he supports the children and possibly makes some kind of settlement with you, while you both pursue your separate lives. Frankly, it won't be much different than what you are already experiencing."

So, let's get this straight.... HE was lied to, HE was used, HE was made to feel bad, HE got nothing out of the marriage.... and the ideal solution is for HIM to give up HIS kids, give HER money, and support HIS kids while SHE sits back and gets the life SHE wanted, and to HELL with HIM.

What a horrible woman this Abby is.

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but look at the other sexist advice she gives: barging into a mens room and stiffing a generous male. Of course the foster care option vs. fatherhood wins the prize.

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