Mom throws children into San Francisco Bay

Story here.

Why do women choose drowning as a method to kill their children? What do you think gentlemen, demonized or diagnosed?

"She knew they couldn't swim and thought she was sending them to heaven. God had commanded her to sacrifice her three boys, her most precious possessions, Harris later told psychiatrists. Passersby said she seemed dazed, disoriented".

"She said Harris believes her children are in heaven -- her youngest now potty-trained, her eldest in school. She sends God postcards written in crayon."

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.... why in the name of God (since she claims this is all about him) did she have sole custody of three small children?

Of the extremely sparse information giving about the children's (maybe all three children's maybe not) father, I get the impression that the crazy woman's mother pushed him away with threats. Don't really know because details are to few.

It would seem that in any case, since she had at least one complete psychotic breakdown (or maybe that's just her defense lawyer talking) in 2004 and was exhibiting unusual behavior on numerous occasions and noticed by co-workers and family alike, some one should have questioned her ability to raise 3 children. Love means nothing if you do not have the ability to raise children. It does not matter how much you love your children if you could end up murdering them.

Why did no one bring any of this to the fathers attention? Why was he not asked to take the children? They should be just as much his children as hers.

Or, since Gramma seems to have been so protective of crazy mommy, then why didn't she take them?

I don't really give a rats ass whether or not this woman is crazy. Since everyone now - conveniently after the fact - says she is, then they face some culpability for not protecting the children from a dangerously insane person.

It's "a mother's love" that kills more children in the world then anyone else. Society as a whole, needs to start really putting the best interests of the child first. Not the best interests of the mother. These children should not have been in her care. They should have been first in the fathers care as he should be the defacto co-primary guardian and should automatically be given full custody in cases like this.

Giving dad custody is a far better alternative to three dead kids wouldn't you agree?

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You say, "It's 'a mother's love' that kills more children in the world then anyone else".
On the face of it that sounds a little far-fetched. Maybe I am not seeing where you're coming from?

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...moms despite killing their own children in horrible ways.

Since mothers are the leading child abusers
and also responsible for the deaths of their children more often then anyone else, we as a society need to wake up and smell the coffee when it comes to females and their ability to abuse and kill their own children.

Targeting only men has left most abused children without any help at all.

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The first thing about the study that struck me, were the number of "suspected" and "unsubstantiated" (the wording used in the report), as opposed to "substantiated", claims of abuse that were used in conducting the study*! For example, in the category of Physical Abuse, the biological father and biological mother were roughly equal in perpetration rate..(47% mother, 42% father)..however, for example, 69% of the claims against fathers were either suspected or other words, only 31% were substantiated!!
(Ref: table 4-4a, document page 49; page 81 in acrobat .pdf viewer).

Another problem with the report, is that 40% of households (for all types of abuse aggregated)** studied were single mother, and this supposedly biases the report. But what I am wondering is: are 40% of the total number of family households in Canada, single mother; in other words, is the 40% number used in conducting the study, in line with the average household composition??

Perhaps you can clarify some of this information. I noticed the document is 210 pages long, which will discourage a lot of people from reading it. Can you provide us with a summary of it, or give us a reference to one??

Thank you in advance:)

*As stated near the beginning of the document, Canadian child welfare agencies, from which the data were obtained, were using "good faith" (their words) reporting for many of the suspected or unsubstantiated claims. Isn't that a little too subjective - especially when the people making the reports were themselves child welfare workers?!!

**In addition to physical abuse, the other categories studied were sexual abuse, neglect, and emotional maltreatment (4 categories total).


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