Viewpoint: Top academic performers — Where are the boys?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Principal Efe Agbamu, was reading off the names of the top ten academic performers in the class of 2009. Every single one was a female student.

They are very accomplished, talented young women with very bright futures. They are making plans to attend top notch four year institutions and to pursue careers like biomedical engineer, medical doctor, physical therapist, chemical engineer, nurse and the list goes on.

I was very proud of their accomplishments and certainly do not want to take anything away from their hard work, but I couldn’t help but think, “Where are the boys?”
He informed me that a significant reading gap has developed between our females and our males. We all know how important reading is to success in school and our females are doing much better in reading.
I don’t have the answers. My goal here is to raise a significant concern in the academic performance of young males.'

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selective teaching by garbage that call themselves teachers.

if you can't compete, just dumb down the competition.

what a bunch of losers.

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