"Don't Date This Girl" web site debuts

Some equal time for the "Don't Date Him Girl" crowd: http://www.dontdatethis.com/ddtgirl/

"Dontdatethis.com was created to hold girls/women accountable for their actions. Next time your girlfriend cheats, lies, gives you an unexpected trip to the doctor or just does something wrong to you, you have a site to place a warning to all guys all over the world about her.

The goal of this site is to create a user friendly information database that hopefully makes all girls/women think twice before they act."

Looks like they also provide equal-equal time with http://www.dontdatethis.com/ddtguy/.

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I don't think two wrongs make a right.

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those sites should not be allowed...though I guess you can't sue if it's gossip

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this is just wrong.

they should have a place for phone numbers ...

or email addresses.

so guys can call and give her what for.

i mean, we have been warned.

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Every time the girls get govt funding, we should apply for the same funding. Every time they create a website showing their vindictiveness and how they cannot let anything drop that a guy may do to them, men should do the same thing. We have a lot of jerks in our ranks. There should be no problem in exposing them. Same goes for the women. EXPOSE them for the jerks that they are. Particularly if they are using PAS or false claims of rape. THEY SHOULD BE EXPOSED!!! Particularly the false rapists - as these names are not released to the public AND THEY SHOULD BE!!!!

Remember - back in the old days there was SHAME and STIGMAS attached to intolerable or outrageous behavior. In this day, those stigmas have been removed. And now we have single mothers being hailed as heroes - when they should be exposed for the premeditated child abusers that they are.

SHAME THEM! It may bring some accountability back to the equation.

oregon dad

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I'm all for it!

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