New York NOW Memo Opposing Mandatory Joint Custody

Article here. Excerpt:

'A case for “Primary Caregiver Presumption.” The National Organization for Women-New York State has always favored a primary caregiver (usually the mother) presumption to ensure stability and continuity of care for children. If the father has not been involved in a major way in the lives of his children during the marriage, why would that involvement increase after divorce?
Father’s rights groups are in the forefront of the push for legislation establishing a presumption in favor of joint custody. These groups emphasize that many states already have some form of mandated joint custody. The first of these was California. After seeing the effects on children: convoluted living arrangements between relocated, possibly remarried parents, children being transferred from parent to parent in front of police stations, children being enrolled in two separate schools and other horror stories, the California legislature, in 1989 revoked its presumption and the statute now established “neither a preference nor a presumption for or against joint legal custody, joint physical custody, or sole custody, but allows the court and the family the widest discretion to choose a parenting plan which is in the best interest of the child or children.”'

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Wow, how completely unsurprising.

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nobody fought it. there was no Men's Rights Movement to speak of.
feminists got anything and everything they wanted in the courts.
that's how we got into this mess. the butt kissing started in the late 60's.

presumption of equal custody DOES work. we did it w/ my youngest.
kids love 2 sets of birthday gifts, 2 sets of Christmas and so forth.
everybody wins. it's a no-brainer.

if the courts EVER do allow this, and people see that it works, it is the way
back to sanity, and families, and fathers having a say in raising their
kids, it will signal the end to all these handouts to women, and divorce will
not be quite so popular. no $$ to be made by leaving.

using d.v. as an excuse is soooo lame. mothers harm children FAR more than fathers.
it's all feminists seem to really have to argue, and it really makes no sense.
fathers should not get equal custody because they are abusers? is that all you got?

lame lame lame lame lame lame lame lame.

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