NYC Teacher Accused Of Classroom Sex With Student

Looks like it's teacher-student-statutory-rape-story-Friday here on MANN. One more here. This one's a real shocker, but is anyone really surprised when so many female teachers get away with it so easily so often? Excerpt:

'It was inside a second-story classroom where police said Weber gave one of her students an up close and personal lesson in sex education.
...But authorities said the 27-year-old took particular interest in one student, having sex with the teen seven times from mid-April to mid-May, all after school.

She allegedly told him: "Don't tell anyone. I could get arrested and I could lose my teaching license."

Investigators said after the boy's mother was tipped off by school employees, she checked her son's cell phone and found hundreds of calls and texts from Weber, the last text reading, "erase your phone."'

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You might need to open another site just to handle all the teacher rapist articles. Wait, I forgot, its not rape, just sex or a 'relationship'. :}

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this society via a perverted legal system,
would rather sacrifice their children (male mostly)
to the desires of pedo's by not handing out appropiate,
and more importantly, equal justice and sentencing as needed,
and what is supposed to be REQUIRED under the law,
to what can only be said is to appease the desires of feminists.

what other rational reason could there be to coddle these criminals
and allow this to continue,
and yes, become an enabler to these criminals?

translation: butt muncher club at it again, in fine form i see.
pro's they are. can't deny that.

but, (pun intended) on the bright side,
not too many years ago, these type women weren't even
arrested, much less reported by the "media".

this was going on when i was in high school.

last year. (laughter here)

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