Sonia Sotomayor nominated to high court

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama chose federal appeals judge Sonia Sotomayor to become the nation's first Hispanic Supreme Court justice on Tuesday, praising her as "an inspiring woman" with both the intellect and compassion to interpret the Constitution wisely.
In one of her most notable decisions, as an appellate judge she sided last year with the city of New Haven, Conn., in a discrimination case brought by white firefighters. The city threw out results of a promotion exam because too few minorities scored high enough. Coincidentally, that case is now before the Supreme Court.
As a federal appeals court judge in 2002, she ruled against an abortion rights group that had challenged a government policy prohibiting foreign organizations receiving U.S. funds from performing or supporting abortions.

In her opinion, Sotomayor wrote that the government was free to favor the anti-abortion position over a pro-choice position when public funds were involved.'

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We now have a woman on the Supreme Court who thinks its acceptable to discriminate against white men. In this case, it was 7 white male firefighters who were denied a promotion based on race.

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Actually, after the SC assumed the power to interpret the US Con'n, I don't think anyone but the courts have been "making law". The executive is bound by the rulings of courts. The legislature doesn't pass laws without making sure as best they can that they will not be overturned or ruled out of existence by a judge. All the efforts of the legislature, costly as they are, are voidable when a judge decides to make it so, for right or wrong. If any single body of the gov't truly has the power to make law, it's the judicial branch. And the SC is at the top of the heap.

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'“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” said Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.'

OK, let's rewrite:

'“I would hope that a wise Caucasian man with the richness of his experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Latina woman who hasn’t lived that life,” said Judge Smith, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.'

The sense that a non-white, esp. a non-white woman, cannot ipso facto say something patently racist or sexist is so infused into academic and legal circles that there seems not so much as a tripping up of the tongue as the words are spoken. Amazing.

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She's already said she favors using "empathy" in deciding legal issues. In other words she has a far left perception on race and sex and will use empathy to favor those groups she thinks are deserving of empathy. It could be argued that Hitler used empathy to decide racial questions in favor of the German race and against Jews. So how will this woman be different???

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Yes, shes a sexist, racist woman, exactly the kind who will use her feelings instead of her head in her rulings- except of course if doing so benefits someone other than Latinos and women.My client Porky the Counter-Feminist Pig would like to thank you for bringing this to his attention. Also thanks to mcc99 for the links.

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she earned it ALL by herself too. imagine that!

got no help. affirmative action played no part.
she's got a.a. $#it on her shoe too, and it won't come off,
and THAT is Forever! smells to High Heaven.

makes one wonder if there isn't something bad in the water.
an unqualified potus appoints an half-educated radical a.a. woman.

i hope those who voted these stupid a.a. s.o.b.'s into office work long hours
their entire life trying to pay back what this "one" idiot has borrowed, and
intends to borrow much more.

that's a nice thought.
geeze, i feels better now Olive.

p.s. she wants your guns too boys and goils.

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I'm curious how the other potential nominees stood up. It appears that Obama's potential choices were primarily women, and it appears Obama relented to pressures to nominate a minority female to the Supreme Court to appease the majority. I'm curious, however, if any of the other potential nominees have an appropriate stance on men's rights issues and discrimination against the "majorities" - whites and men.

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We now have a woman on the Supreme Court who thinks its acceptable to discriminate against white men.


I’d word it a bit more broadly and less specifically. How about:

"We now have (will probably have) a woman on the court that is willing to discriminate against the politically silent if that group is targeted by the politically vocal."

i.e. She is a giant leap toward ignoring the literal wording of the constitution (equal protection under the law) in favor of handing out goodies to those that scream loud enough. Unfortunately, rewarding political screaming is very effective at diverting people’s efforts away from productive work into political lobbying. Incentives work.

I think the direction we’re going in this country leaves us with 2 basic options:

1) Work toward insisting on an honest interpretation of the constitution (i.e. equal protection under the law, etc.).

2) Accept that efforts to be better oneself and to be economically productive are largely a sucker’s game. The way to a better life is to get politically organized and make demands.

I personally find #2 distasteful but more in line with reality. As government actions affect our individual lives more and more, it encourages #2.

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