Woman caught on tape trying to hire a hit man to kill her ex-husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Washington state woman is accused of trying to hire someone to kill her ex-husband and his family, and police say they have the video to prove it.

Investigators said 28-year-old Elizabeth Beimer was enraged over a custody battle with her ex-husband and asked a friend to help find a hit man. That friend went to the police.

So instead, Beimer ended up meeting with an undercover officer.'

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This is why male/female homicide statistics are so skewed. So many times, when a woman wants to kill a man, she out-sources (hit man, crazy pussy-whipped new boyfriend, etc.) And it is never recorded in the crime stats as a female perpetrator/male victim.

That said, this chick is crazy as a shit-house rat.

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"He's the quickest of them all".
i can only wonder just what "them all" she is
talking about? boyfriends probably.

this is the same type squealing thing women do in divorce court too.
"and he didn't pay all his taxes last ..."
"i remember he and his brother bla bla bla".
NEVER fails. no secrets around women. not much truth either.

i had one girl (tenents) living w/ an x-con in a rental apt.
called the cops and told them her brand new husband
(w/ new baby too) had some old military type rounds in the
bottom of a box. i heard he had to do many extra years.

she left everything they owned in that apt. so she could
run off w/ her new boyfriend once hubby left in handcuffs.
didn't even take out the trashy pampers.
yathink i would forget that one?
looked to me later that she just came across some old bullets
in some of his old stuff she found unpacking.
it was days before i found them in all the trash.
mr. clueless was at least trying to make a go of it.

this nut job here (serioous thought)
she'll do the obligatory female discounted sentence,
if she doesn't blame her x-chump and plea out of it.
or more likely get some serious therapy /probation.

she won't get much time. hardly ever do.

and when she gets out i'll BET she gets custody of the
clillun's (not unusual). or at a min. joint custody. and we'll pay
for all her lawyers. that's kind of a "given" these days tho.
and she will owe no back CS next year or so when she gets released.

guys, remember this, if you feel you MUST marry.
if you have any family secrets or things you would rather
EVERYONE didn't know, it ain't gonna be a secret once your lovely one
"who will be there forever" gets through making sure you suffer.
you'll wish ALL she trashed was your car. keep that away from her too.
women save sensitive info. up for when she needs the upper hand. happens every day.
and remember the stat on who wants the divorce? more than 3/4 by women.
and get a clue, if she isn't being "all that" w/ you,
i'll give you 20 to 1 she is being nice to somebody else.
always. they are like monkeys in that they NEVER let go of one
branch unless she has a firm hold on the next.

wonder if this guy is one of those half-men who will cry in
court to get her released? odds anyone?

strange isn't it? one week we get a guy murdering everybody in
sight, and the next we see some fool crying for the judge to be lenient
to the woman who tried to kill him.

go figure?

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