Burger King commerical includes blatant man-slapping by woman
Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2008-07-09 16:19
Via email:
I have seen this commercial on Spike TV network several times now. This TV ad is absolutely awful. One interesting note though, the Spike television network is actually supposed to target men as their demographic!?!
I guess men and women hitting each other is OK in the minds of Burger King and the marketing industry, but of course, only if it's a guy getting hit by a woman. Unbelievable. I cringe thinking about young, impressionable kids watching commercials like these. Thanks, Dan
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It Might Already Be Off the Air
I'm not sure about this, but I recently saw a version in which she merely shouts at him without striking him. That might merely be a 15-second version, or perhaps people complained and they replaced the more violent one.
Don't forget to leave a comment on the YouTube link.
Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights
Absolute rubbish
What a vile little advert.
"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)
Hahahaha!! )))
That's a good one. They do their best to show that women are brainless monsters which must be eradicated from the face of the Earth.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
Simply outrageous
I have written a strong comment on youtube and also reported the video to youtube, so that they remove it..
"this is outrageous. what about a man hitting a female and give her a tight slap. this is utterly sexist."
Junk Commercials For Junk Food
I haven't eaten a Burger King burger in years! This commercial doesn't make me want to start again. Screw Burger King for their short sighted misandry. I hope they go bankrupt and if they are depending on my repeat business they certainly will go bankrupt.
Saw this a while ago...
I saw this a while ago. I haven't seen it on TV for a few weeks, so maybe it's been taken off.
But it was immediately clear the first time I saw it that it was as sexist as anything that we've seen so far (worse than the Verizon commercial with the two guys in the ER...at least THAT violence was implied, rather than blatant. ).
Someone might think about forwarding the link to Glenn Sacks so he can add it to the list of those we should speak out against.
One bright side: Great classroom example for a Men's Studies class. I intend to use it.
Love to slap that gym-teacher bitch myself, though. And the sexist pigs that made this.
What I Have To Say
I'm beginning to wonder if all ad execs are man-hating feminazis. This ad is terrible. It's not funny. I don't understand how some people view violence against women as this horrible, unspeakable crime, but treat violence against males performed by women like it's a big joke. Well, I'm not eating at Burger King any time soon.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
You guys are the equivalent of what's between the woman's legs.
The Point of that was?
I fail to see how that was productive or meaningful. What's your problem el jefe?
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
el_jefe_tx is a troll. Put
el_jefe_tx is a troll.
Put it on ignore and it will go away when it realises it can't get a rise out of anyone.
Burger King ad
It's fine to talk but hs anyone contacted Burger king. I think a boycott is in order but I stopped eating there a long tome ago.
well infact i think the men
well infact i think the men are getting indirectly benefited from this.
Rock Star
yeah these days women have
yeah these days women have shown their superiority over men and so on .
TV network
TV network several times now. This TV ad is absolutely awful. One interesting note though, the Spike television network is actually supposed to target men as their demographic!?!
I guess men and women hitting each other is OK in the minds of Burger King and the marketing industry, but of course, only if it's a guy getting hit by a woman. Unbelievable. I cringe thinking about young, impressionable kids watching commercials like these. Thanks, Dan
Maybe he likes it that way!
Some guys like dominating women that bitch slap them around.
Seriously, it was poorly done, and I can see why it was offensive to some. Does not make me want to buy that burger, but does leave a memorable impression (I can still feel that slap).
Yeah i agree
I hope they go bankrupt and if they are depending on my repeat business they certainly will go bankrupt.I haven't eaten a Burger King burger in years! This commercial doesn't make me want to start again.
Thanks Dan, I cringe
Thanks Dan, I cringe thinking about young, impressionable kids watching commercials like these.