Pop-star's violent misandry in still music video fare

In pop star Pink's new music video for Please Don't Leave Me, she is seen beating the living daylights out of some poor guy who appears to be in her clutches. I guess she wanted to do a sort of tongue-in-cheek sort of homage to "Misery". At the end, as the guy's being carried away on a gurney, the police are just hovering over her and at the very end she gives the camera a wink.

First of all, think about if the situation was in reverse. The video would probably not even see the light of day. Yet, it's perfectly okay to show a video by a popular FEMALE artist where she's beating up a man?

Secondly, consider that Pink is considered a role model for young girls. What message is this sending them? That it's perfectly okay to beat the hell out of some guy just to get him to stay?

Apparently, Pink believes that violence against men is not only okay, it's also a good ploy for selling records. Either way, I think it's messed up.

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All art is inherently political, in that it inherently includes the perspectives of the artist. While I support the right to free speech, and therefore Pink's right to release a video of this nature, I believe we (MRAs) should loudly condemn the video as a bad example for other women, particularly young impressionable women. If women are given only slaps on the wrist by the legal system for violence against men, if feminists actually encourage such behavior with their hate speech, and if Pink is conveying on some level that it is cool to engage in this type of behavior, then these young impressionable women will be encouraged to go ahead. While the video does dramatically depict the sadistically destructive nature of some relationships, and in that respect it is compelling, I worry about the encouraging message it sends young women.

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same as they would do if the roles were reversed. a responsible society must draw the line somewhere.

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Not sure I spelled her name right. Listen to some of the Pretenders songs from the 80's like 'Time the Avenger'. What a pig - I'm glad I was never a fan of that band, nor bought any of their stuff.

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That is some kind of social science crap. True art is only political if you impose political thoughts upon it. Notice I said TRUE art, not junk like "Feminist Interpretation of Starry Night" or something.


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What do you expect from a lesbian?

Maybe she should have some of her own medicine dished out to her, see how she likes it.

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To be honest, I expected much worse. She was depicted as a freak and she got hers at the end when she fell (hard with a suggested broken back with that odd posture). It was also pretty obvious that she was in the wrong and he was in the right. It is also debatable whether one could reverse the genders. If the genders were reversed, it would be like any other horror depiction out there where - very often - the male villain is after some innocent female.

IMO, a far worse example of misandry on MTV is the following where the heroine crotch-kicks the guy at the end for no reason other then the fact that she was scorned. Unlike in Pink's example, this woman is shown as being in the right - while the man is shown as being in the wrong. In this case, MTV would never show the video if the genders were reversed. In Pink's example, I'm not convinced they would not.


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can come from this.

young guys watching this will see just how dangerous
living w/ females can be. combine that w/ all
their friends and peers constantly warning of
how bad it can and does get, and maybe we will
see a large drop in the number of guys being stupid about
relationships. wear a condom, video all encounters,
and never let her stay over for extended periods.
i'm sure there are many more.

we must stop giving women the opportunity to abuse us,
whether it be physically, mentally or in court.
imho - once we stop following where they want to lead us,
then and only then will we start getting our rights back.

you will be able to tell how well it is working by how loudly they scream,
figuratively speaking of course.

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